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Duke Nukem 3D > Duke Nukem Forever

The upcoming XBLA release of Duke Nukem 3D is almost upon us (Sep. 24th) and honestly, I can't wait. I loved playing the game back in the day and getting to play co-op/vs. over XBL will just be fantastic. I must say that playing co-op with a bunch of 13 year old, hormonal boys might not work out so well. When they hit the strip club they may just sit there for hours, even though the breasts aren't made of that many pixels.

"Come Get Some" ...some Cannoli? Yes plesea! :)



One of the "Benefits" of Online Petitions

I don't really have much to say about this...the image says it all. When you go about creating an online petition you can expect something like this I guess. If only the petition had 69 signatures...



Some News For You Papa Chew

Just a few bits of news for all you big boys and little ladies out there.

Raptr: Essentially trying to be a Myspace/Facebook solely for gamers, Raptr is now in open beta. I have never heard of this site until today, but I think it could actually work out well. I always thought someone needed to make a social networking site for gamers and this one seems to have promise (as well as solid backing).

"Raptr has received $12 million in funding along with some major new hires, including former Electronic Arts employee Ranah Edelin and former eBay senior director Dave Swenson. So some people obviously thinks social networking as it applies to the gaming industry will be very popular and, more importantly, profitable..."

Official Site

1UP Story


A few items on XBLM will be getting a price cut for a short period of time and you can read more about it on Major Nelson's blog...

"For a limited time only (well, until the end of October) the Marketplace is running an ‘Extended Play Download Days’ promotion which is offering some pretty good savings on some of the more popular DLC." ...and the prices are effective immediately! This is for DLC from the games: Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, Forza 2, Shivering Isles ($10 price cut!), Guitar Hero 3, and Beautiful Katamari.

Linkage to List.



Jeff Green Bids Farewell to 1UP

This is a very sad day, a sad day indeed. Computer Gaming World, what became GFW and now non-existent, has always been my favorite magazine, but now I feel like I just got punched in the ovaries (if I had any of course). 1UP has had a few big departures this year, like Dan Hsu and Crispin Boyer (their blog can be found here), but this departure hits me harder than those previously stated. I am happy to hear that GFW Radio will not die with the absence of Jeff, but I am not sure how Shawn Elliot & co. will cope without Papa Green. I wish Jeff Green the best of luck at EA (his new job, working on the Sims brand) and I really hope we can look forward to no more 1UP least for a while.

Official 1UP Story



Postal 3 - What Else Can I Say

I have played both the original Postal and Postal 2. I did actually find the original to be a decent time waster for the $5 I spent on it, but the second game was awful. This new game not only looks to keep up that trend, but it looks...well, so much worse.

I can't say I was ever expecting to see anything amazing out of this game or from the guys and gals at Running with Scissors, but this even surprised me with it's suckage. Not only does the video suck, but the man "commentating" and slightly chuckling here are there just makes it so much worse. Just watch the video below and you'll see for yourself.



Chubby Rain

Starring Kit Ramsey, but not really. Actually this game is a bit fatter and needed to be called Heavy Rain, but it's all good. Heavy Rain is essentially the spiritual successor to Indigo Prophecy, a fantastic adventure game that came out for the PS2, Xbox, and PC.

I have been dying for this game since that initial teaser trailer and rather than hearing me gush about my love for IP and my hopes for Heavy Rain...I think you would be better suited just checking out the video below and reading the preview found at 1UP.



Do It or the Kitten Gets It

Come on, don't think just do it. Time for some news and crap upon other crap. It has been a busy week for me since Saturday. I am tired as balls and losing my mind, so if you read anything a'll know why. On to the news, "That's what she said."

Sony unveils a shit load of more SKUs to confuse everyone once again, including the PSP-3000 and a 160GB PS3 (still no BC). Sony unveils the EyePet and I bet you don't care at all (see, I made a funny). Another snowboarding game has been announced for the 360...but it's not a new SSX. The Tecmo president has chosen to pack his bags and resign. Hurray? I'm sure plenty of other poop happened, but I'm done for now.

Enjoy the Mad World trailer below...and I can really only say one thing about this game: Mad World = AWESOME = F*** you Wii! Why the hell does it have to be on the Wii!?



Let's Not Forget

To read the post on Yuri Lowenthal and sign the petition! All can be found HERE, and why not listen to the interview as well. Back to my usual antics though, I can't just sit and not mention other news out there.

I Am Alive is taking a more realistic approach to Survival games...thanks for telling me something I didn't already know! Gaming + Porn = Fetish!? I do not know, but it is awfully weird and NSFW at all! The FFXIII demo will last for over 2 hours! Though at least an hour and a half of that time is dedicated to cutscenes. Duke Nukem 3D is coming to XBLA, there will be pixelated boobies everywhere, but no sausage. Apparently Everquest I & II will be getting a new expansion pack this fall. Why? I do not know, and I didn't even know people were still playing the first game...was brukaoru even alive when that came out!? (she is a little lady baby).

That's pretty much all I've got for you today...but look forward to seeing Galaga Legions on XBLA Wednesday, and Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty on PSN this Thursday. Other than that I just ask that you (if you haven't already) click this LINK and check out the Yuri Lowenthal interview as well as signing the petition found HERE.



Riddle Me This, Riddle Me That

If you don't tell me what's going on, I'm going to kick you straight up the ass! Well there is an interview that will be uploaded tomorrow and some of you may already know who we (Kado) interviewed. If you are not one of the all-knowing then I guess you're just going to sit back and wait like Oprah waiting for her Brunchinner. So I'm speaking of who?...I don't know, so onto the news!

There isn't much to say, not to mention I am exhausted from editing (not finished either). Anyways, here goes...Braid apparently cost Jonathan Blow $180,000 over the entire development. I love the game and I'm not trying to be a douche (not really), but how the hell did he end up spending that much on this one game? ...and I'm sure other crap happened, but I don't care right now. And no, Rock Band 2 is not coming out for the Nintendo 64!

Oh yea...a trailer for The Godfather 2 is live, want to High Five? it just me, or does this game not look too good graphically? Eh?



I Know Something! You Love Big Bumpin'

I think it's that time again. Yes, it is time to go over what has been happening in the world of gaming today. I may be bored, but I am not a whore. You may be real, but that doesn't mean I can feel. Let's get to the friggin' news, before Gus Yoo has to poo.

So what the fizzle-fudge has happened so far today? Not much, but will that stop the sausage from getting the job done? I think not...Akuma has been revealed for SFIV and there is even gameplay footage! Though I could care less since I haven't played a SF game since Super Street Fighter II. Dynasty Warriors 6 will be hitting the PS2/PC and will likely sell millions...on the PS2. Screenshots from the upcoming Batman game have surfaced and they look shockingly good. Screw you, I am shocked like an electrocuted flock (sheep of course). Kotaku still sucks. GTAIV will be blamed for countless crimes in Japan when it finally releases there on October 30th. NCAA 09 takes the top spot for July...I bet a freshly baked Cannolo that Madden will take August. I know I may be sounding crazy there, but I have a hunch. I just feel like that game could sell for some reason. Nvidia also announces something I don't understand, but apparently it will cost a fortune. Well that about wraps up this poop. Why you want poop wrapped up is a completely different question...on to the rest!

Hockey + WOW = NHL 09. That may sound like pure insanity, as if I just did a line of blow on transvestite midget's exposed a$$, but I am completely serious. Imagine playing the "Superstar" mode online with a bunch of other players all doing the same thing. You can be traded, you may get benched, you are essentially just a NHL player on a team. All your teammates are controlled by people across the globe, as well as your enemies! You create your own persona and for hockey fans out there...this is basically as close to living their dream as they're ever going to get. There are so many details to go over that I think you should just read up on them here. It is going to be a great year for hockey fans!

Oh yea, details of the new Godfather game have surfaced and they are...interesting. Now featuring some strategy aspects, called "Don Mode" (aren't they witty and clever and not cliche at all!?). The whole thing seems odd and possibly intriguing, but there really isn't enough for me to personally go on at this moment. To get your fix of Cannoli go here! Sausage OUT!