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Red Dead Redemption: The Last Great Hope For Westerns

Nothing but a beautiful, beautiful game.

Red Dead Redemption is the successor to Red Dead Revolver, but the only thing the games have in common is the name. I was a fan of the first game, but it always felt a bit too linear and not as open as I would like from a Western game. Redemption has obviously solved this problem by throwing the game into the ever-crowded open-world genre, but they also seem to be doing so much more.

Below is the newest trailer released by Rockstar Games. It delivers much more content than previous trailers and gives a good feel to the story of Redemption. This particular trailer has honestly blown my mind and just cements the fact that Red Dead Redemption is my most anticipated game of 2010. My only worry is that if Redemption fails; the Western genre may fail as well.


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