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GTAIV + 8 RPGs = This

Thanks to GTAIV, 8 people with RPGs, and the Bombing Run...I was able to make this lovely video. Enjoy the wonders that come from someone experiencing extreme boredom.



Fallout 3 Prank Call

Someone decided to prank call a radio show by describing a dream that happens to sound a lot like Fallout 3. The show that was "pranked" is Coast to Coast AM with George Noory and this all went down last night, November 28th. I guess this is an interesting listen, at least to members of N4G... You guys(and gals) sure love this kind of "news."



Super Street Fighter II Turbo: HD Remix = Worst Demo Ever

I'll keep this short and simple...the "demo" for SSF2T:HD Remix (sorry, but I can't be bothered to rewrite that title) is absolute crap. This demo is essentially the beta that went out a few months ago without online play. You're stuck with only Ryu and Ken(I don't care what you say, they are the same exact character) and you can only play offline versus. That's right, no playing against the computer for you young SF fan. If you happen to be one of the many gamers without an extra controller(+ friend) then you are shit out of luck. Congrats to Capcom for bringing us quite possibly the worst demo ever; this even beats out demos that only let you play for 30 seconds.

I guess all the people who only have a Playstation 3 don't have to be upset about the lack of a demo because owners of the 360 didn't get much more. This is just Capcom saying, "It's Street Fighter...if you're going to get it, you're going to get it. We don't need to give you any kind of decent demo." Thank you Capcom, thank you very much.



XNA Community Games = Online Only?

As you already know, XNA Community Games went live with NXE on November 19th. There were only a handful of games in the beginning, but now there are almost 60 games on XBLM. You may also already know that these games are priced between 200MS and 800MS points, but you may not know that these games can only be played while connected to Live. Apparently community games can only be launched from XBL and that may screw a lot of gamers. If you have a router with only one ethernet slot then you obviously only play online when not "surfing the web". This poses a problem for those of us who do a majority of our gaming offline and hopefully some kind of fix will happen soon, but I won't be holding my breath.



Pixelated Sausage + Gold Lancer + N4G = This

If you look below, you'll see that I posted a story about the pricing for the Gold Lancer that is exclusive to the Gears of War 2 limited edition. I found it funny that Microsoft was "charging" 99999MS points for the DLC obviously to stop people from wrongly stealing what is supposed to be exclusive to the LE. I also decided to post this on N4G to try a get a few extra hits as well, but I never expected anything as ridiculous as what happened yesterday.

I got my story approved on N4G late Saturday night and didn't expect much from it (honestly, it's a stupid story). I woke up the next morning and noticed that I already had a little over 2000 hits, more than I've ever got in a single day (by a long shot). The most surprising part of this entire "event" is that the story eventually became the #1 story on N4G. It makes me a little sad when a story as stupid as this can be #1, but when me and my friends over at Distributed Failure do an interview with Yuri Lowenthal (voice of the Prince in PoP: Sands of Time) it barely makes a ripple.

I really don't have anything else to say, but I'll leave you with a few stats and some ridiculous pictures. Total number of hits for Sunday: 11,685. Highest level of "degrees" on N4G: 1040. Total number of hits in Pixelated Sausage history: 23,100 (including 576 from today). That's right...I got more hits in one day than I have had in my entire existence. It's amazing and sad at the same time. In comparison, the Yuri interview landed the site about 600 hits.



Buy the Gold Lancer...for 99999MS Points

Do you want the Gold Lancer for Gears of War 2? Did you not purchase the limited edition and now feel helpless? No more worries, you can now purchase the gold lancer through Microsoft's website for the low, low price of 99999MS points! That is roughly $1250...did someone say "Great Deal!" because that's what I'm seeing. Note : Sarcasm.

I am guessing that this is some kind of glitch or just a way of dealing with special limited edition DLC content that comes with a game. Either way, I find this pretty funny and would love to see someone actually pay that much for this lovely gun.

Linkage to Crazy

: For everyone finding this story/site through N4G...if you're interested in finding some new podcasts, you can check out my podcast: Distributed Failure: Ep.36



Dualshock 3 for $40 on Amazon

If you've been wanting a Dualshock 3 for a while, but the $55 price tag was too much; now is you chance to get the controller for a great price. is now selling the DS3 for only $40.96 (I know it's closer to $41, but $40 is so much prettier). This deal is made even sweeter since you don't have to pay taxes and you get free shipping if your patient too! If you want a DS3 then you better act fast because I don't know how long this sale will last.

Dualshock 3 for $40!



A Discussion on Emoness

I was recently able to get my hands on a copy of Spider-Man: Web of Shadows and I have been pretty disappointed overall. Among all the problems, the writing is particularly bad...Just listen to this little discussion on "emos" and you'll see for yourself.



Great Deals: Jak 3 and Juno

Just thought I'd shed some light on some great deals going around right now. For today only, you can pick up a new copy of Jak 3 at Amazon for $7.98! If you're a fan of the series and never got around to picking up this have no excuse anymore, go pick it up right now.

Another great deal happening at Target (In stores only) is that the Juno blu-ray is only $13. I wasn't a fan of the film, but I know that plenty of people loved it and if you're one of those people with a is the time to go out and pick up a copy. I don't remember the exact date in which the sale ends, but it's around the 16th of November so you have some time to think about it.



We Will Have a New President

...but who will it be?