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Another Song From Dr. Horrible

I couldn't find this song on Youtube, which I am blaming on the fact that this particular song doesn't have a bit of "humor" in it. It's one of my favorites and you should give it a listen...Enjoy.

And if you are wondering...the song is called "Penny's Song". 



A Random Bat to Smack Your Cat

You expected me to say "Smack That Ass" didn't you? I'm sorry, but this bat is only licensed for feline and other "small animal" beatings. A random package came in the mail today and inside was this lovely cat-killer bat. I still don't know how I managed to get this limited edition GTAIV bat, but I honestly don't care. There are supposedly only 2000 of these bats in existence and I'm proud to own one of them. I would also like to take this opportunity to say that while this bat can easily kill a human being, there were no animals harmed during the writing of this post.




I know that I am rather "late to the party", but I have always been rather avoidant of digital distribution. The holiday sale on Steam seemed to have changed my fragile little mind. I ended up buying 7 games for the low, low price of $35 and I couldn't be happier. One of the games I ended up buying was Audiosurf purely based on all the good "cooler talk" I've heard around this place we call the internet.

The game is absolutely brilliant and a must for anyone who enjoys music of any genre/style. Audiosurf seems so simple, yet I have a hard time trying to explain exactly what you do in the game. It essentially takes any mp3(other audio files are supported) that you have on your computer and creates a track for you to "ride" on. The object of the game is to get the highest score possible by hitting colored "blocks" and matching 3 or more of them. The game changes based on the character you use and this is where I find things get harder to explain(at least in a short post).

I'm not here to explain Audiosurf. I'm only here to tell you that it's awesome and you should at least try out the demo to see if you like it. I only paid $5 for the game, but I would gladly pay the regular $10 for it as well. can even rock out to the Jeff Song!



Possible and Probable Cover

Cover of a song to be more specific. I loved Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog when it first came out and I'm the proud owner of both the DVD and CD. While being stuck in Galena, IL during the holidays I began to watch it again(and again). I now feel like doing a cover of "My Freeze Ray" and if that turns out being anything above mediocre; I may go ahead and do another cover. The song is below and if you haven't even seen of this little "film" I demand you go watch it right now!



It's Better to Lose Sleep Than to Lose One's Teeth

I'm sorry, but I just can't help rhyming when an easy rhyme is staring me in the face. I have just recently started watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and I have found the show to be quite fantastic. The first episode wasn't that great, but it was enough of an idea to make me give the show another shot. The show is obviously not for the easily offended, but if you've ever listened to our podcast you'll know that I'm more the "offender" than the "offended". You may find the following clips to be utterly stupid, but I enjoy them and that's good enough for me. I love Charlie!

Side Note: Hulu is a fantastic site. -- Clickity-click for video delight.

Click to read more ...


Possible Changes to the Sausage

I've been thinking about changing up the sausage for a while now. This may no longer be a site dedicated to only video games...Pixelated Sausage may just become the anything and everything Kush. My art, my music, my love for ridiculous humor(or lack thereof). I feel that this may give me the ability to post much more frequently and it will also make PS a one-stop site for all of my "crap". I haven't written this into stone, but this has about a 99% chance of happening...and happening rather soon.

That is all.
Kush out.



N+Sausage: The Complete Saga

The complete N+Sausage saga is here, featuring our favorite little ninja: Bob. The mini-series was short-lived and rarely loved, but thanks to everyone who gave it shot. :)



TIME Magazine Names Home a Top Gadget of 2008

TIME magazine has named Home as their #10 "gadget" of the year. I first want to point out that Home is not a gadget and shouldn't be on this list even if it was the most amazing thing in the world. Now that I got that little "issue" out of the way, I'll list some more problems. From the brief description I read, it seems that TIME has seen a very different Home than everyone else. They describe it as if they were a publicist at Sony and never even touched the "gadget". I don't see how a product that hasn't officially come out as of 12/8/2008 can be one of the top "gadgets" of the entire year. Maybe this is TIME's way of making up for not including MGS4 on their Top Ten Games of 2008 list...

Some fun facts for Home,

  • It has not officially launched in 2008(as of 12/8/08).
  • If it does manage to launch in 2008, it will still be in beta.
  • There is nothing to do in Home.
  • Did I mention that there really isn't anything to do in home?

"Top Ten Gadgets of 2008 - #10: Home"

 ...and by the way...I've "played" Home since I'm in the closed beta. It feels awfully nice to be hated on the internet, makes me feel all warm and gooey on the inside.



Real Life Lancer Murders Pumpkins

Have you ever wondered what a real lancer would look like...or maybe how one would work in the real world? Now your dreams have come true thanks to some idiot most likely residing in "Idiotsville", USA. I guess this will come in handy for deer hunters; they can kill 'em and carve 'em in one quick motion.



The New Age of Video Reviews

I can only hope that we start seeing more videos like this...seriously, this is gold.