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iPhone: Kyper Review

An interesting concept that doesn't end up working particularly well.

  • Game: Kyper (v1.0.4)
  • Developer: NimbleBit
  • Price (at time of review): Free
  • Release Date: 5/7/2009

Kyper is all about getting to the highest speed possible, while avoiding asteroids at the same time. The unique aspect of Kyper is that in order to increase your speed, you’ll have to fly as close as possible to certain asteroids and avoid other asteroids at the same time.

It’s an interesting concept, but it doesn’t end up working particularly well. The controls are purely tilt-based and don’t always feel 100% accurate. It also never feels like you’re getting a high enough speed boost for getting extremely close to a “boosteroid” (I just coined that term…I’m sorry). It’s worth a shot with its free price tag, but don’t expect anything amazing.


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