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Quick Update

Sorry for the lack of content as of late, but I have been rather busy with a few projects. Expect some reviews (Star Wars: TFU, Fable 2, Saints Row 2), a special video of Saints Row 2 and more... There will be much more so just keep your eyes out!

Thanks to everyone who actually frequents my sausage!



Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Coming to XBLA/PSN!?

As you can see, ESRB has the Xbox 360 and PS3 as platforms for the fan-favorite fight game Marvel vs. Capcom 2. I won't go saying that this is 100% proof that the game is coming to the XBLA and PSN, but if this were Phoenix Wright you'd have a pretty strong case on your hands. Just go to the ESRB website and search "Marvel vs. Capcom 2" if you don't believe's to hoping it's true and that it comes out sooner rather than later.



Culdcept DS: Now With Video

I am a huge fan of the Culdcept franchise and love Culdcept Saga, which is my introduction to this series. It may not be graphically impressive or come with any kind of decent story, but that doesn't stop the game from being a lot of fun. For those of you who don't know, Culdcept is essentially Monopoly with card-battling. Sound awesome? Of course it does...I've always thought that the game would be perfect for a portable system and a DS version was announced a while ago. I am happy to say that some video of the DS game has surfaced through TGS and it's looking great. There is no word on a US release date (DO IT Sega!), but those of you in Japan can look forward to playing some Culdcept on the go very soon. The game comes out in Japan on October 16th...yes, October 16th of this year, as in next week October 16th.

You lucky bastards!



Spider-Man: Web of Shadows Launch Trailer

I have always been a vocal supporter of this game and now the launch trailer is here. All I can really say is "WOW", this game truly looks amazing. I could go on, babbling about my excitement right now...but I think it's best that the video do the talking.

Enjoy :)



Deus Ex 3: First Details Surface

I am a huge fan of the Deus Ex series and even really enjoyed the second game, which wasn't regarded too highly among the press and fans alike. I remember when Deus Ex 3 was first announced I felt ecstatic that the series was still alive, but worried since Warren Spector wasn't a part of the project. Finally some real details on the game have arrived and things are shaping up to satisfy...well, at least satisfy me.

What do you need to know? Well the game is going to be a prequel set in the year 2027 and you play as a normal (like you or me) security officer for a technology lab. The rest of the story hasn't been detailed too much, but it's being written by the original writer (from Deus Ex) so I think the game is in good hands.

There is much more information that can be found from the link below. Some of the new gameplay aspects may upset some of the diehard fans, but I feel like it's only natural for a series to change with the times. I know I can't wait for more details to arise and hopefully this game will deliver when it eventually comes out (no current release window mentioned).

Linkage of Details.



Shellshock 2: Blood Trails = Survival Horror?

As mentioned on the previous episode Distributed Failure there was a new trailer for Shellshock 2 that really left me with asking a few questions. Is this a survival-horror game taking place during the Vietnam War? Are you just fighting the Vietnamese, or are there "other things" as well? I really don't know what to take out of this trailer, but I can say a few things from what I've seen. I think the idea could possibly be amazing if pulled off, but the first game was an absolute mess. I guess we'll just have to wait for more news to emerge, but I will stay optimistic because I would love to see a great Vietnam War game.



LittleBigSausage. Wait...What!?

Well I have gotten a taste of LittleBigPlanet and so far it has tasted very sweet...below is a short video of my first hour with the game and first few minutes (condensed into seconds) with the creator. Enjoy my sausage.



New Max Payne Trailer

A new trailer for Max Payne has popped up and it looks very truthful to the video game vibe and style. I don't have much more to say on this film except that I'm looking forward to it and this trailer just pumps me up more. Watch this lovely loveliness below.





Burnout Paradise: Bikes Pack DLC Review

Bikes are fun to drive, but not much fun to crash...

It's nighttime and we've got motorcycles prowling down the street. Sounds so very cool (doesn't it), but I find myself rather disappointed with the new Bikes DLC for Burnout Paradise. I feel that "disappointed" may be too strong of a word since the pack is 100% free, but at the same time I don't find the game any more enjoyable with the added content.

Click to read more ...


A New Identity

I am no longer Kush3 on XBL. I am now the one, the only, the CannoliCrasher! It took many hours and a lot of discussion between myself and a second party, but eventually I found a name that worked for me (and wasn't taken). So if any readers out there that I don't know want to add me, just go ahead and do it.

And to those owners of "Captain Cannoli" and "ColonelCannoli" ...I hate you.

...look to your left and give your opinion on the poll. Which Oct. 21st release are you most looking forward to?