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Culdcept DS: Now With Video

I am a huge fan of the Culdcept franchise and love Culdcept Saga, which is my introduction to this series. It may not be graphically impressive or come with any kind of decent story, but that doesn't stop the game from being a lot of fun. For those of you who don't know, Culdcept is essentially Monopoly with card-battling. Sound awesome? Of course it does...I've always thought that the game would be perfect for a portable system and a DS version was announced a while ago. I am happy to say that some video of the DS game has surfaced through TGS and it's looking great. There is no word on a US release date (DO IT Sega!), but those of you in Japan can look forward to playing some Culdcept on the go very soon. The game comes out in Japan on October 16th...yes, October 16th of this year, as in next week October 16th.

You lucky bastards!


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