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Resident Evil: Degeneration

I've been looking forward to seeing this movie for a while, or at least getting some news on it. A new trailer has shown up to at Comic-con, but still no release date from what I could tell. The trailer looks decent and has it's moments, but the quality isn't the best and the picture is a bit faded...but what do you expect when it's not a direct capture. is the trailer! So sit back and enjoy a little Leon S. Kennedy! It seemed to be the crowd's favorite moment.



Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2: Delicious Sausage

I was a huge fan of the original and played the hell out of it. It had a great cast of characters and you can't beat online co-op, but it wasn't all rainbows and lollipops. One of my biggest issues with the game was that the characters didn't seem as unique and different as they should be. Playing as Spider-Man instead of The Hulk should make a huge difference, but that wasn't the case. This trailer has me excited because it seems that each character will control like you would expect. The Hulk will smash and destroy things while Spider-Man will be more agile. The trailer also showed some of the new co-op moves and they look to be pretty cool and the kind of co-op maneuvers you would expect to see.

I loved the original and here's to hoping the sequel kicks ass...


The person who recently left comments under the names "wouldn't you like to kno." and "you still dont know?"...I really don't know who you are...a little help?



Betas Cost You Money on the PS3

First the Socom: Confrontation beta and now Resistance 2. I have heard that the first beta keys will go to those who pre-order the game and the rest go to Qore a week or two later. If that's true it makes this "deal" even more shitty and pathetic. Pay for Qore and you get the privilege to join in on a beta after it's already been running for a few weeks. Hooray. Paying for betas on any console pisses me off because the point of a beta is to help the developers test the game out and find any bugs or glitches while you're doing it. Why should we have to pay to help out a company make their game better? Makes no sense, but c'est la vie. Betas are not supposed to be glorified early exclusive demos, but that seems to be the way things are headed now...

This Qore Resistance 2 beta situation is horrible, but will it stop? Absolutely not...and that's because people are going to buy the hell out of the third episode just to get into the beta. Sony will see this and say to themselves, "We know they really want this, but let's make them pay for it! We are geniuses!" Sony doesn't really have to worry too much because people still seem to have Sony up on this god-like pedestal and see no wrong from the company.



Vimeo Hates Video Games

And they hate you too! Vimeo has just recently updated their upload rules and now they won't allow any videos showing video games, unless they are Machinima. Apparently all other game videos lack creativity and take absolutely no work to be made, not to mention that these videos are sometimes big in size and they don't like that. They do give each member a weekly upload limit so you should be allowed to upload whatever you want with the space you got. Apparently they are just too good for mere video games and all current videos that break this rule will be deleted starting on September 1st of this year (and new videos will be deleted right away). Here is their explanation broken down in a simpler, juvenile way...

1) Your videos are boring and not creative.

2) Your videos are too big and we hate you.

...I find it a bit funny that they complain about the size of game videos, but I've seen numerous HD movies that are close to 500MB (the weekly limit) and last under 30 seconds. Maybe they should try helping people with video compression instead of just deciding to completely ban a certain genre of video. If you didn't steal the video from another site, then you created it. They shouldn't ban something because they think it lacks creativity. I've seen 10 second HD videos of flowers, too many. I don't really consider that to be creative or original.

Thankfully I decided to leave Vimeo a few months ago and I've never looked back. Apparently they never really wanted me in the first place if this blog (and especially some of the member comments) mean anything. Good luck in the flower filming business.

Vimeo Hates YOU!



Dark Room Sex Game...For the Wii

Seriously. No joke. This is a "real" game and I heard about it, but seeing it in action is just priceless. What more do you need from me, just watch the video. Don't think about it, just do it.




GFW Live Goes Cheap

How cheap you may ask? Real cheap, like free cheap. At GameFest 2008 today Microsoft announced that GFW Live, the PC version of XBL, will be completely free. The service used to be free only to those who had a XBL account, but now it's free for everyone. This change will affect all GFW-Live games: past, present and future.

Microsoft also announced plans to introduce a XBL Marketplace type system for GFW-Live as well. So it will feature the usual content like demos, trailers and DLC etc. You can expect to see those changes sometime in the Fall. I think this is a great idea, but it may be a useless change now. Steam has really gained a lot over GFW-Live and I don't know if there is any honest chance for the service anymore. Only time will tell, but right now they're headed in the right direction.

Linkage: GFW-LIVE Now Free



Giant Bomb Is...

ALIVE AND LAUNCHED. Go and check it out!

Love it.
Hold it.
Squeeze it.
Just friggin' go to it.




Giant Bomb Is About To Explode

For those of you who may not know...there is a new gaming site called Giant Bomb that was started up by Jeff Gerstmann, Ryan Davis and co. It was originally in a blog-like form while they were getting the "real" site ready. I noticed earlier today that the site was down and it wasn't hard to figure out why. I just recently checked back and now they officially have a "landing shortly" filler page.

I have been watching over the site since it's birth, it's little baby explosion. I'm hoping that things go well for the guys over there and I hope the community is better than what you find in other places (trolls can suck it!). Below is some linkage of explosive sausagely goodness.

Giant Bomb(

Giant Bomb Viddler(Videos duh)



Siren: Blood Curse(PS3) Preview

Siren: Blood Curse is a survival-horror game that will be coming exclusively to PSN (Japan will be getting a retail version as well). There was a Siren game for the PS2 and Blood Curse is a new and original story shown with the same style and design as the original.

The big selling point is that you take control of multiple characters and see the story unfold through multiple points of view. It’s a very interesting idea, but the demo didn’t elaborate, or show any of this particular aspect...probably because the demo was about 12 minutes long. The length of the demo may seem like meaningless information, but it's actually quite important. The fact that this game will only be downloadable(import!) worries me. The demo was very short, but it still came in at over 500MB. If the full game was about 6GB in size then it would not only take up a nice hunk of space, but also take a decent amount of time to download. The download speeds on PSN have not been that great and if that doesn’t change I can’t personally see myself downloading a file that big.

Before worrying about file sizes etc, it’s probably best to say whether it’s even worth the thought of download first. The game is very boring from what I played and the way episodes are set up is very strange. I am assuming that the episodes will be a grouping of missions like the two (missions) featured in the demo. The problem with this is that these missions take about 6 minutes to finish and you may get a few cut-scenes scattered in that short time period as well. It makes it very hard to get immersed into the game and it kept me from enjoying the experience. Besides that the game just isn’t much fun. It doesn’t do anything new and everything it does has been done better somewhere else.

All this game has going for it right now is the interesting storyline structure and the fact that it’s a “real” game that will be 100% downloadable on PSN. Having a story that is told through multiple points of view is an interesting idea, but that doesn’t matter if the story is garbage. The demo doesn’t give much away about the story, but if it’s a good story then this game may be worth a try. If the story is on par with the latest Indiana Jone movie...then I'd rather play Jumper again.







Too Human(X360) Preview

Too Human is a game that is almost impossible to honestly preview. Unless I call it a masterpiece, a game that is better than the best parts of GTAIV and MGS4 combined, people will say, "I told you it sucked and came out of my pooper". Coming out with the impression that the game is "ok" and not amazing means that is bad to every single hater who bitched about the game(without ever playing it themselves). The game does have it's problems, but it also has some good aspects too.

The most obvious issue is it's camera. The fact that combat takes place on the right analog stick means that you can't use it for camera movement. This makes you a slave to whatever the camera wants to do and just makes things frustrating. The camera doesn't pose as much of a problem when you zoom out(there are 10 "levels" of zoom), but any angle close to your character is a problem. The presentation is also sub-par. The cut-scenes aren't awful(not everyone has Kojima's resources), but they are unpolished and uninspired. While I was watching the opening scene I couldn't help but say, "I've seen this all before in Mass Effect and it was better".

Not all is bad with the game. The combat system takes a little time to sink in, but when it does I found it to be very enjoyable. I can see it getting repetitive if you are doing the same exact thing for the entire game, as well as fighting the same enemies all the time. There is also plenty of loot(as promised) and while everything looks different and is unique; collecting loot isn't that rewarding. Every single piece of loot is a holographic disc lookin' thing and I never knew what I was picking up. The skill tree also didn't seem to be as deep as I expected, but I did only play through the first 45 minutes.

It's hard to really judge a game like this based solely on it's first hour. One of the game's biggest features, co-op, is not here. The demo features only one playable class(the Champion), and it's a class I would never personally choose. Overall my excitement level has dropped, but I am still going to give this game a chance. I wasn't left in awe of the game, but it didn't completely suck. It was an average game, but maybe with a little more time and some fine-tuning it can turn into a pretty good game.

*NOTE* I know that the other classes are unlockable in the demo, but that was unknown to me at time of this writing.
