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Too Human Demo is Live

For those of you who may not know, the Too Human demo is now live and almost finished for me. The demo comes in at just under 1.1GB and other than that, I'm just happy that it is finally here.

*On a side-note*

Apparently I think this game is a masterpiece just because I haven't been a douche bag saying that the game sucks without ever playing it. I may end up disliking the game after trying the demo, but at least I judge a game myself, instead of claiming someone else's opinion as my own. This is completely off topic, but I hate it when people judge games without ever playing them. If you hear a game sucks, don't say that is sucks. Say that you heard that it sucks. Don't act like you've played it and that your opinion has any merit when it obviously means nothing. I sort of went off on a tangent there, but the download has finished to expect my preview soon.



Tales of Vesperia(X360) Preview

I have never played a Tales game before Vesperia and that may be a good thing. The game does have so strong points, such as it's beautiful look. The game looks very nice and has great animation, but graphics can only take a game so far.

The story/writing seems to bad at it's best. This may be due to horrible translation, or maybe the writing is just that bad. Though I will say there are a few moments that made me laugh, but I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be laughing. The combat is also a mixed bag that could end up becoming a lot of fun, but as it is now, it's just too simple. The combat takes place in real-time and from what I played you simply just mash buttons. There is no depth and nothing to do besides pressing the same two buttons over and over again. I'm sure that changes and you progress through the game, but the demo did not show me anything of that nature.

The game does have it's problems, but the foundation is there for Vesperia to become a good game. It will just take a little balancing here and there and maybe an attempt at some better dialogue. Just watch the video and you'll see how awesome the writing truly is in this game.



Sonic Unleashed to... Crazy Town!?

Honestly I don't even know what to say about this latest "trailer" for Sonic Unleashed. It is weird; It makes no sense. They have honestly found a way to lower my excitement level as well. I am left speechless after watching this ridiculous is actually worse than the "E-surance" Mirror's Edge trailer that recently came out.

It's bad. Really mayonnaise pudding bad.



Max Payne Movie Trailer

The Max Payne series has always been a favorite of mine and not just because I support Rockstar. The games had a great noir style to them and were a blast to play. When I first heard that they were going to make a movie based on the series I was pretty excited. Max Payne is basically a game that took most of it's inspiration(if not all) from a variety of films. It's a game/series that was essentially based on a specific sub-genre of film and instead of making another film they made a video game. I started to get even more excited when I heard Mark Wahlberg was cast as Max Payne. He is probably the perfect actor for the role and I remember picturing him as Max Payne when the first game came out.

The first trailer has finally surfaced and I found it to be well done overall. The vibe of the series seems to be intact, though the "angel"(?) did seem a bit out of place. Religion has always been a part of the series, but I can't remember anything to that extreme in the games. There were a few hallucinations featured in the games, but none ever dealing with angels etc; at least not from what I can recall. That part of the trailer did seem out of place, but at the same time I thought it looked interesting. only see her for a glimpse, but the actress playing Mona Sax seems to be dead on as well. I was pretty sure from that brief shot that it was Mila Kunis(from That 70's Show fame) and that's been confirmed from the film's IMDB page.

Anyways, here is the trailer for you viewing pleasure and be sure to remember one thing. 1 + 1 = 2 and therefore you love sausage too!



How to Enjoy Wits and Wagers

A simple solution to the question, "How can I enjoy playing Wits and Wagers?" It's actually quite simple. All you need is the trial version and some sweet ass tunes!



PS360 Controller Hybrids

These may quite possibly be the greatest controllers ever, at least the 360 controller for the PS3. I really believe that the 360's controller is the best on the market and is the greatest console controller up to this day. It fits perfectly in my hands and just feels right. My biggest issue between to the 2 consoles(PS3/360) is that I prefer one controller heavily over the other. If I could play PS3 games with a 360 controller then I would use my PS3 a lot more(though probably still for mostly PS2 games).

If I can somehow make one of these myself then I will be in heaven. Though if I decide to make the 360 DS3 controller then I'll be going to hell.

3PS60 Controller

PS360 Controller



Mega Man Custom Wallpaper Galore

If you head on over to you will be able to find 150 custom wallpapers all involving Mega Man. There are plenty of choices for Mega Man fans of all sizes and all types of sausage. So hit the link for the Mega Man love and below is my personal favorite wallpaper.

Games Radar Mega Man Custom Wallpaper



Kotaku = Staff's Personal Blog?

Before my sausage got banned I still wasn't a fan of Kotaku. One of these reasons was brought up in Brukaoru's comment of my previous Kotaku post. The staff seem to feel the need to post their e-mails on the site. I don't care about what they are talking about behind closed doors, especially when it has nothing to do with games. I decided to find some of these posts and link them here.

Check out the great gaming news that is, "Kotaku E-Mails"!

And you can click right HERE for a link to pretty much all of these e-mail posts.



Kotaku Bans The Sausage!

I post a comment on the horrible site that is Kotaku and within a few minutes I get banned. I was simply critiquing the post, though I may not have sugarcoated my words to their soft ears.

"Why should I trust the opinion of someone who can't write?"

I am "sorry" that I didn't post a nice comment stating, "Did you know that in this sentence, of this paragraph, you made these errors ________ ". I have no reason to be nice and sweet to the staff of Kotaku, not to mention that the article was written by their senior editor.

Another part of my whole problem with Kotaku is that while I get banned for something that small; people get away with a lot worse. An example would be that someone posted a link to a video depicting animal cruelty. I don't believe that relates to video games, as well as it being completely disgusting and unnecessary. That person was not banned and that comment was not removed. I would love to understand the logic behind Kotaku and the kind of community it's supposed to be. It would seem that the basic idea of Kotaku is, "LOVE IT!!! or leave it", and that just doesn't work for me.

*I did send an e-mail to the staff of Kotaku asking why I was banned. I have yet to receive a reply, but as soon as I hear from them I will update this post.*



UPDATE: Mega Man 9 Not Coming to XBLA/PSN

It would seem that Mega Man 9 is only coming out for WiiWare once again. All that excitement lasted a good, solid day. Hooray! Capcom has stated that the E3 listings were just an error and that Mega Man 9 will only be releasing for WiiWare. So as of right now the XBLA/PSN versions are just a mistake; sort of like teen pregnancy.