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Super Street Fighter II Turbo: HD Remix = Worst Demo Ever

I'll keep this short and simple...the "demo" for SSF2T:HD Remix (sorry, but I can't be bothered to rewrite that title) is absolute crap. This demo is essentially the beta that went out a few months ago without online play. You're stuck with only Ryu and Ken(I don't care what you say, they are the same exact character) and you can only play offline versus. That's right, no playing against the computer for you young SF fan. If you happen to be one of the many gamers without an extra controller(+ friend) then you are shit out of luck. Congrats to Capcom for bringing us quite possibly the worst demo ever; this even beats out demos that only let you play for 30 seconds.

I guess all the people who only have a Playstation 3 don't have to be upset about the lack of a demo because owners of the 360 didn't get much more. This is just Capcom saying, "It's Street Fighter...if you're going to get it, you're going to get it. We don't need to give you any kind of decent demo." Thank you Capcom, thank you very much.


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