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PS2 Games on PSN...To Be or Not To Be *Updated*

Just a rumor as of right now, but it wouldn't surprise me at all. There was a reason that Sony took backwards-compatibility out of the PS3 and it wasn't because it was too expensive. The real reason, whether you believe me or not, is so that they could start releasing PS2/PS1 games through PSN. This obviously hasn't happened yet, but I have no doubt it will happen soon.

A pic of supposed PS2 games for sale on PSN has surfaced and though I do believe Sony will start selling PS2 games through PSN; I do not believe this image to be true for a few reasons. The first is the fact that it's showing MGS2: Sons of Liberty for sale, not Substance. I can understand that a lot of the bonus features included in Substance may not translate well for digital download, but if you have to pay £12.99(close to $26USD) I would expect a little more for my money. Another reason I find this hard to believe is because of the titles that are supposedly going to be available. Fantavision? Really, a launch title about fireworks that no one remembers and even fewer care about, though I actually sort of liked it(shoot me).

I really have a hard time believing the image to be true. If Sony was going to start a PS2 to PSN network then I would expect a better launch line-up. Why not throw the original Jak and Daxter on there, some Ratchet and Clank, God of War? The PS2 had one of the greatest software line-ups ever during its history. So why would Sony start a service off with such mediocre games?


As expected, Sony has denied having any plans to release PS2 games on the PS3. They may not have everything ready yet, but I still believe that we will get confirmation sometime in the near future. Maybe not as soon as E3, but sometime this year.

PS2 on PSN Source



20GB Xbox 360 Possibly Getting a 60GB HD

So along with the rumored price drop, which isn't much of a rumor anymore, there also seems to be a HD upgrade in store for the Premium pack. The rumored model upgrade is said to be announced during E3. I would not be surprised at all if this was true. In fact, after hearing the rumor, I would be surprised if this didn't come true.

So basically if anyone has been waiting to get a 360, or become a part of next-gen(now current-gen), then this would seem to be the opportune time to buy.



Mega Man 9 on XBLA/PSN Too

Mega Man 9 will now officially release on XBLA and PSN, along with it's WiiWare release. This would appear to be the first arcade title to release simultaneously on all platforms. I know that some people are quite upset with the choice to go back to 8-bit graphics. I am actually excited about the retro style, though it may be a little bit too much nostalgia face shoving. I am also someone who would gladly buy a brand new 8/16-bit system if I knew that companies would still develop new games for those systems.

2D in not dead, 2D is not something that developers need to be afraid of trying. I know that there are many things you can't do in a 2D game that can be done in 3D, but the same goes vice-versa. I will be going over this a lot more in an article I plan to write about Franchise revivals and retro gaming in general.


Robin Meets Benny Hill

And now for those of you who just want to watch the Benny Hill segment over and over again. This video is for you! Feast your eyes(and ears) on "Robin Meets Benny Hill"

...don't forget to watch the full video, which can be found here
"Gaming GoneHerEA EP1"



Gaming "GoneHerEA" Episode 1

This is the inaugural episode in the Gaming "GoneHerEA" series(name subject to change). This series is basically where I play shitty games from the past, preset and future(yes, future) so you don't have to! I figured since nobody really wants Gonorrhea and nobody wants to play these games that the name fit well. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the first episode starring Batman Forever on the Sega Genesis.



Diable III Officially Official

I am sure a bunch of Blizzard/Diablo fans have just orgasm-ed all over the place after finally getting the official word. I have never played a Diablo game, so my excitement level is obviously quite tame. Anyways here is a vid of some Diablo III game-play footage. Hooray.



More Sonic

Just some more footage from Sonic Unleashed. The more I see of this game, the more hopeful I get...come on Sega, I still believe in you.

...I will say this. I am getting quite sick of the music in all these trailers! Please, please give me something else.



Xbox 360 License Tranfers

The inability to play XBLA games DLC while offline has been a known issue for a while. Some people managed to get the problem resolved by calling support and waiting for a month for the fix. Now everyone can resolve this issue with relative ease. The steps are rather simple, but instead of listing them here, I'll just post a helpful video from Major Nelson, as well as a link to where you start the process.

*In case anyone is wondering if it really works. I tried it out myself and am happy to say that it worked and it was very easy to do!*


Far Cry 2 Gameplay Footage

I have barely spent anytime with a Far Cry game, but they always intrigues me and seemed interesting. Far Cry 2 has always sounded cool to me, but after watching this demo I am really hopeful for what this game can possibly become. Anyways, you should stop with the reading and start with the watching!



N+Sausage: Balls Are Everywhere

Episode 4 in the N+Sausage series. You get to learn some intimate details about your favorite crappy ninja and of course, you get to watch him F*** up over and over again!