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Metal Gear Solid 3 Ending

The ending to Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Part 1

Click to read more ...


Half-Life 2: Episode 2 Ending

The ending to Half-Life 2: Episode 2 (X360)



Half-Life 2: Episode 1 Ending

The ending to Half-Life 2: Episode 1 (X360)


Half-Life 2 Ending

The ending to Half-Life 2 (X360)



N+Sausage: Preschool

Episode 3 in the N+Sausage series is now up. Enjoy the ninja show and once again, brukaoru steals the show :P



Call of Duty 4 Ending

The ending to Call of Duty 4 (X360)



The Inaugural Sausage Dump

I have decided to start a weekly little post of dumpage. It will basically just be a post of my thoughts on subjects not related to games. It may have to do with film, music or anything at all, even pancakes! You know what goes well with pancakes?...sausage! That's right folks, sausage goes well with pancakes, not to mention everything else. Back to business as they say somewhere where the business needs to get back to...yea...

You can expect this post every week and it will always be called "The Sausage Dump". Every Sunday I will take a new and tasty dump in your mouths and through your eyes and I can guarantee you will love every second of it!

Click to read more ...


Playstation Whore

Some PSP games have found their prices increase after the latest PSN update. Something like this should never happen. This is something that Gamestop would do if the demand for a game increased. Though the games that received the higher prices aren't even new. In some cases the game aren't even good, not even burnt sausage good. Gangs of London got bashed by critics, but for some reason Sony thinks it warrants an $11 raise in price. Not every game saw a price change and one game actually got a $10 decrease: The Con. I wonder if Sony is trying to tell us something with that. Anyways here is the list of changes thanks to Kotaku.

Original source, Gamasutra

Prices up:
Gangs of London $11.99 up to $22.99 (+$11)
Kingdom of Paradise $10.99 to $16.99 (+$6)
Ape Escape: On the Loose $9.99 to $15.99 (+$6)
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee $10.99 to $15.99 (+$5)
WipeOut Pure $10.99 up to $15.99 (+$5)
SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo $10.99 to $15.99 (+$5)
Twisted Metal: Head-On PSP $14.99 to $15.99 (+$1)
LocoRoco $21.99 to $22.99 (+$1)

Prices same:
Syphon Filter: Combat Ops stayed same at $9.99
Beats stayed same at $4.99
Ape Quest Bundle stayed same at $19.99
Go! Puzzle stayed same at $5.99
The Cryptics (digital comic) stayed same at $2.99
flOw stayed same at $7.99
echochrome stayed same at $9.99
SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 2 stayed same at $15.99

Prices dropped:
The Con $19.99 dropped to $9.99 (-$10 )



No N+Sausage This Week

Episode 3 of the N+Sausage series will not be posted this week due to family matters. The Episode will go up next week on the usual day of Wednesday. It is entitled "Preschool" and will be epic. It will be longer, bigger, better(all describe ways to make a sausage better!) and it will also see the return of the nameless female ninja. I think she needs a, any ideas?

Thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoy the show next week.



Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (X360) Preview

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars has just recently been released for the Xbox 360 and the PS3. The PC version came out in October of 2007 and got good reviews overall, but sadly the console versions didn't work out so well.

My experience was mainly with the Xbox 360 version, but I can say that there really isn't much difference between the two. The first thing that you will likely notice is the bland, generic graphics. The game is very ugly with a boring color palette and uninspired design. There isn't one aspect graphically that I can praise. Some games look average, but manage to have really nice smoke effects or really nice water etc. Quake Wars, however, offers nothing but generic exterior after generic interior.

The sound design is nothing special either. You have your common grunt dialogue such as, "I need a medic" or "I've been hit". Stuff like that is both boring and repetitive, as well as being completely unoriginal. Though you shouldn't expect much from the joke that is single-player. The single-player mode is essentially multi-player with bots. So you can either hear repetitive bot chatter, or repetitive "You're a douchebag" chatter on XBL.

Quake Wars was obviously developed with the PC in mind. It is a very fast shooter and much faster than most consoles shooters out there. The controls do work rather well, but the low production values make the game-play less entertaining. Shooting has no weight. Hitting an enemy gives no satisfaction due to no sign of impact. The explosions are garbage; a theme that seems to be repeating itself in Quake Wars.

If you're a fan of shooters I would not recommend this game. If you're dying for some new multi-player action I would not recommend this game. I can recommend to this game to rich people and idiots because that's the only way I can see someone enjoying this game. So if you're rich or stupid(probably both) have fun, but if you would rather enjoy life then don't get this game. If you really want to try this game then just get it for the PC; what have you been waiting for anyways. I am disappointed that the game didn't turn out well, but I can't say I'm too surprised.