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The PS3 and Installs

Linkage to Crap.

"SSDs are perfect for notebooks because they're light, they don't consume a lot of power, and they give off very little heat. The good news is that you can slide those same 2.5-inch solid state notebook drives right into a PlayStation 3. We got our hands on a 60GB SuperTalent Master Drive MX SSD to see how it performs in a PlayStation 3. The $400 60GB Master Drive MX specifications state that it has 120MB/s read speeds, but its write speeds cap off at 40MB/s. By comparison, we tested the stock PlayStation 3 hard drive and observed 32MB/s read and write speeds. The MX drive doesn't match up to the 120MB/s reads and the blistering 70MB/s writes of the more expensive $1,300 Super Talent 60GB Master Drive DX, but some upgrades get more difficult to justify when the PlayStation 3 itself costs only about $400."

The basic idea behind this particular article is about whether it's worth getting a new HD for your PS3 to quicken load times etc. I honestly don't care if there was some magic hard-drive that took out all load times and maybe baked me a nice cake at the same time. The PS3 is a console and if I wanted to spend the time upgrading a system and changing components to try and get better performance then I would go back to my PC gaming days. I must say that I do miss them.

Click to read more ...


The Real Jason Bourne

First I want to let everyone know that I will not be making the Distributed Failure podcast due to some family matters, but I will still try to get time to at least give my readers(are there any...really?) some content. Hopefully Rob won't wuss out and not do the show, but I can't make any guarantees.

Anyways I saw this video and found it funny(I find all the Matt Damon/Jimmy Kimmel stuff funny). So sit back and enjoy it. I must say that if this video were true then I would have a hard time not picking up the Bourne Conspiracy.



The Best Part of an MMO

I just think this video is funny. It shows how you can have fun in an MMO and I know it makes me want to drop what I'm doing and play Age of Conan right now!



Ninja Gaiden 2 (X360) Preview

If you liked Ninja Gaiden(or the two remakes) then you will probably like Ninja Gaiden 2 as well. In the simplest of terms Ninja Gaiden 2 is basically a prettier version of the first game. You get the good(game-play) with the bad(camera) and not much has changed. The biggest change would probably be the regenerating life bar because it does make things easier and slightly opens the game up to a wider audience. Though the horrible camera may push all those people away because it is absolutely unchanged from the previous games. It gets in the way and forces you to try and control the camera while controlling Ryu at the same time. There is also the new feature of cutting off the body parts of your enemies which is not only a visual addition, but adds to the the game-play as well. If you do not quickly dispatch of a wounded foe then he will latch onto you and blow himself up which leads to quite the health loss.

With all that said I still found the game enjoyable and I think the combat is a lot of fun. The different weapons all have their specific style and play very differently so there should be a weapon that fits everyone's playing style. The game does look good and runs very smooth, which is good because it is one fast game. Ninja Gaiden 2 will likely please Ninja Gaiden fans, but it probably won't help attain many new players to the series.



Jehova + RvB = Dirty Looks

I just found this to be quite funny and think you may find it moderately to pretty funny too. Earlier today a few Jehovah's Witnesses stopped by my place, which was odd in itself because I haven't seen any in about 8 years. Anyways they basically did what they do and gave be some booklet thing and the lady talking to me was nice. Blah, blah, blah. The other woman with her, however, kept giving me weird looks and it was driving me nuts because I couldn't figure out what I was doing that bothered her so much. When they left I continued my quest to find out what offended this young lady and then I just looked down at my shirt. "I hate babies."...I guess someone like her wouldn't really get the joke(or is it a joke!?). So basically some little Jehovah's lady thinks I hate babies and I think that is hilarious. Seriously though, babies are dangerous!

"I hate babies." shirt



Fallout 3 Amazon Exclusive Deal

What is this exclusive you ask? It's an official Pip-boy 3000 Digital Clock, along with the regular swag coming with the LE, all for the ripe price of $129.99! That is quite the price, in fact it's the first time a LE has reached that ugly mountain since the Halo 3 Legendary Edition debacle. Though the truly sad part about this is that I'm actually considering it because I want that damn thing. If it was being sold for $100 I would order it no question, but $129 is so much to pay for one game. I could buy a Nintendo DS with that money. I could buy a lot of beer and grapes with that money, but I still can't help but have the slightest desire for that LE. Oh yea, there is also the fact that I will likely not be able to afford that either.

I likely won't be getting it because I do think that is way too much money to part with for one game (no matter what bonuses you get) and if you remember what happened with the Halo 3 LE...maybe we'll be seeing this on Amazon for $60 not that much longer after release. Though having it only be sold through Amazon makes that a much, much smaller possibility.




Baby Steps +

Episode 2 - N+Sausage: Baby Steps is now live!

...and here is a peek at the DFTV N+ level!



Pixelated Sausage News

Just thought I would update people on what is happening with the Sausage and what you will be seeing soon in the future. Some of the new features you will be seeing have already shown up like video previews (and videos in general). Soon you will see video reviews as well as some video features and series...and of course there is definitely more to come from the series N+Sausage.

Another newly added component is the Donation button. I'm not asking for much or anything at all even, but if you want to support the Sausage with 25 cents then just "do it". I've been doing a lot of work on the site and all help is appreciated.

The N+Sausage video has now become a full on series and will be posted weekly on Wednesday nights by 8PM CST (hopefully). So stay tuned for Episode 2 tomorrow night...N+Sausage: Baby Steps.

...and here are the vimeo pages for the Video Game Endings and N+Sausage series! As well as now for the Pixelated Sausage video previews/reviews.



Crash Time (X360) Preview

I don't know how to describe this game besides just saying it's bad. The controls are very loose and it looks like a last-gen game. I guess that means it would feel at home on a Wii. My biggest complaint is that the game seems to be against you crashing even though it's called Crash Time. I have no way of knowing what game modes will be in the final version, but the mode I played would actually end if too much damage was taken. Either this mode is barely used in the full game, or either someone was massively high when they thought up the title.

The game is bad. Bad in every single aspect and if you don't believe me just watch the video below. My sausage has been in 3 videos already! Boy do I feel like a real Porn Star now...


Uwe Boll = Not Too Bad!?

I think this interview is actually pretty nice and it shows some different aspects of Uwe Boll and I think it's definitely worth watching.
