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Buy the Gold Lancer...for 99999MS Points

Do you want the Gold Lancer for Gears of War 2? Did you not purchase the limited edition and now feel helpless? No more worries, you can now purchase the gold lancer through Microsoft's website for the low, low price of 99999MS points! That is roughly $1250...did someone say "Great Deal!" because that's what I'm seeing. Note : Sarcasm.

I am guessing that this is some kind of glitch or just a way of dealing with special limited edition DLC content that comes with a game. Either way, I find this pretty funny and would love to see someone actually pay that much for this lovely gun.

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Reader Comments (5)

LOL sorry to say but if you tried yesterday around 5 oclock you could of gotten it for free lol was a glitch on the marketplace, ive already purchased mine for free and i dont even have LE

November 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJacks

Oh and it was the same with the flash map pack hammerburst and the background things, but i missed them ones they got put up to 99999 before i could download em, you should always check out forums :P like the gearsofwar2 forum

November 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJack

I know, the same thing happened with the COD: WaW weapon and people were able to purchase Banjo Kazooie early as well. Those DLC have been completely removed from the marketplace can still find their pages, but they aren't even charging 99999MS points for them. You simply can't even attempt to buy any of that other stuff.

November 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKush

The reason they did this is that people discovered they were able to find hidden content in the marketplace like the golden lancer for free, since the marketplace is accessible via the web. Microsoft saw this happening and changed all special content like the golden lancer, hammerburst that you needed a code for to 9999MS one, no one in their right mind would buy them, and two saves them worrying about free content that you need special codes to unlock getting in the hands of people who aren't meant to have access.

November 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

@Mr.Anonymous: I know...but I still find this funny, especially the fact that this has somehow become the #1 story on N4G. It's obvious why they did it, but that doesn't stop it from hilariously odd.

November 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKush

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