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Pixelated Sausage + Gold Lancer + N4G = This

If you look below, you'll see that I posted a story about the pricing for the Gold Lancer that is exclusive to the Gears of War 2 limited edition. I found it funny that Microsoft was "charging" 99999MS points for the DLC obviously to stop people from wrongly stealing what is supposed to be exclusive to the LE. I also decided to post this on N4G to try a get a few extra hits as well, but I never expected anything as ridiculous as what happened yesterday.

I got my story approved on N4G late Saturday night and didn't expect much from it (honestly, it's a stupid story). I woke up the next morning and noticed that I already had a little over 2000 hits, more than I've ever got in a single day (by a long shot). The most surprising part of this entire "event" is that the story eventually became the #1 story on N4G. It makes me a little sad when a story as stupid as this can be #1, but when me and my friends over at Distributed Failure do an interview with Yuri Lowenthal (voice of the Prince in PoP: Sands of Time) it barely makes a ripple.

I really don't have anything else to say, but I'll leave you with a few stats and some ridiculous pictures. Total number of hits for Sunday: 11,685. Highest level of "degrees" on N4G: 1040. Total number of hits in Pixelated Sausage history: 23,100 (including 576 from today). That's right...I got more hits in one day than I have had in my entire existence. It's amazing and sad at the same time. In comparison, the Yuri interview landed the site about 600 hits.


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