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I know that I am rather "late to the party", but I have always been rather avoidant of digital distribution. The holiday sale on Steam seemed to have changed my fragile little mind. I ended up buying 7 games for the low, low price of $35 and I couldn't be happier. One of the games I ended up buying was Audiosurf purely based on all the good "cooler talk" I've heard around this place we call the internet.

The game is absolutely brilliant and a must for anyone who enjoys music of any genre/style. Audiosurf seems so simple, yet I have a hard time trying to explain exactly what you do in the game. It essentially takes any mp3(other audio files are supported) that you have on your computer and creates a track for you to "ride" on. The object of the game is to get the highest score possible by hitting colored "blocks" and matching 3 or more of them. The game changes based on the character you use and this is where I find things get harder to explain(at least in a short post).

I'm not here to explain Audiosurf. I'm only here to tell you that it's awesome and you should at least try out the demo to see if you like it. I only paid $5 for the game, but I would gladly pay the regular $10 for it as well. can even rock out to the Jeff Song!


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