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If Neglecting Your Real Life Pet Wasn't Enough

I want a cat more than I probably should...

Now you'll be able to neglect your very own Avatar Pet! Tomorrow (12/3/09) will bring the first ever Avatar Pets in the form of dogs, cats, a monkey and even a pony (get a full list from the link below). I know that many people feel that Avatars are stupid and buying items/clothes for them is stupid, but no one is forcing you to buy a single item.

I think the addition of Pets is great and I honestly hope that it's the beginning of a greater ability to interact with your Avatar and the items you purchase; I would love to see a little playpen area that allows you to play around with your pet or something along those lines. I know that I'll likely be buying a cat tomorrow and I'm sure Rob will buy a pug, but the real question is this: If you buy a monkey will you let me touch it?


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