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iPhone: Doodle Jump Review

Doodle sorta rhymes with cool, and that reminds me of FUEL. Wait, what?!

  • Game: Doodle Jump (v1.9)
  • Developer: Lima Sky
  • Price (at time of review): $0.99
  • Release Date: 10/15/2009

Doodle Jump is a relatively simple game. The entire purpose is to get your little doodle guy as high as possible while dodging enemies, holes, and never missing a platform. The world is filled with power-ups and hazards and it’s never the same game twice. With all that said, Doodle Jump is completely reliant on tilt controls and thankfully they work almost flawlessly.

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Death of a Console: A War May Be Brewing

There are two things that scare me more than anything else. The potential death of my fully-BC PS3 and the potential death of my limited edition red Xbox 360. One of these two fears has become a reality and it just so happened to be the latter. My red Xbox 360 has received the E68 error code, which delivers one red light and hardware failure.

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iPhone: Seduce a SuicideGirl Review

 Question: Why are they called "Suicide Girls" when they never commit suicide?

I can’t say that I’m familiar with the entire “Suicide Girl” universe, but that’s not needed to find enjoyment from this choose your own adventure-esque game. Seduce a Suicide Girl has you working your way to a “sexy, 17+ make-out session with her (Zoli Suicide)”, but don’t expect anything too risqué.

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iPhone: Solitaire Premium Review

 It's solitaire and it works, what more do you need?

Solitaire Premium is a great solitaire game with responsive controls and nice animations. The app store is littered with dozens of different solitaire games and it may be hard to find the right one, but Solitaire Premium is a great version of the familiar card game.

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iPhone: Skee-Ball Review

God's favorite game! - According to Dogma.

Skee-Ball is one of the best games I’ve played on the iPhone. Skee-ball is not a game that has crossed my mind since the good ol’ days of Chuck E. Cheese, but this game makes me want to revisit my local Chuck E. Cheese like a creepy old guy (ie. Paul Reubens) and rock some skee-ball with God.

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iPhone: SquareMaze Review

SquareMaze really utilizes the power of the iPhone!

  • Game: SquareMaze (v1.0)
  • Developer: iGecko
  • Price (at time of review): Free
  • Release Date: 8/19/2009

SquareMaze is a game where you try to move a box through a “maze” without touching any other object. It could have been a decent game, but it’s extremely short and it doesn’t help that the game is completely broken.

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iPhone: ADoucheBag Review

 You my friend are a douche bag.

ADoucheBag is an app that consists of a button and over a dozen different ways to say “you’re a douche bag.” If you’re honestly expecting more than that after reading the title, you’re definitely going to be disappointed. For those who enjoy a little stupidity every now and again, ADoucheBag is good for a laugh.

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iPhone: USFlagTrophy Review

 Yay for more flags! Sorry, but how can I be witty when talking about flags?

USFlagTrophy is the same game as FlagTrophy; it’s just confined to the fifty American states, as opposed to the entire world. Like FlagTrophy, USFlagTrophy is another good tool for learning flags and having fun at the same time, but its lack of variety hurts replayability.

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Gaming Fleshlight: A Portable NES Cartridge

This is amazing. Nothing more needs to be said.

This may be the greatest portable system ever created, though the SEGA Nomad is hard to beat (boy was that convenient /end sarcasm). Some awesome person has apparently decided to take an NES cartridge, fuse it with an NES controller, and install a portable media player inside this beautiful freak of nature.

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iPhone: FlagTrophy Review

 I've got nothing, but flag does rhyme with dag...which is Pikey for dog.

FlagTrophy is a great game for anyone interested in learning what flag belongs to what country, or for those wishing to test their knowledge. It features a decent challenge and can be fun for those with a curious mind, but it’s not without issues.

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