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The Sausage Dump #3: Stephen Drinks Hatorade

Welcome to the Sausage Dump! Episode 3 is now live for your listening pleasure and is one hell of a terrible show. We do what we do best; hate on whatever we can think of and fail to think of anything worthy of discussion. Our listeners are the ones that Mr.T pities.

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Sausage Dump: The Fixed Schedule

This post is going to be rather simple. The Sausage Dump is our newest podcast and we just recently recorded episode 3. I was fighting between either a Sunday or Monday posting for the show and have finally come to this conclusion: The Sausage Dump will come out every Monday afternoon. This decision was made so that I would have adequate time to edit the show and all of that jazz.

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An Alternative to the Modern Warfare 2 Prestige Edition

If you were dying to get a copy of the Prestige Edition but weren’t willing to drop the big dime for it; I think I may have found the perfect solution. I am 69% sure that these are practically the same night vision goggles that come with the Prestige Edition and I’m 101% sure that they are of the same quality.

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A Brand New Low For Video Games

I hate you...oh God do I hate you!

This is possibly a brand new low for video games and I would not be surprised if Hot Topic started to sell video games just in order to sell this particular item. I can’t understand how this franchise can deliver enough content to fill a game and a full priced game at that; why isn’t this DLC for the Xbox 360 version or a budget title? The answer is simple: people are so irrationally infatuated with this franchise about sparkling vampires and cute werewolves that they’ll pay anything to get more content.

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The Sausage Dump #2: Super Mario Bros.

Welcome to the Sausage Dump! Episode 2 is now live for your listening pleasure and I can gladly state that the audio quality is much improved over last week’s episode. We do what we do best; talk about the things we know and love (or hate) and somehow bring it all together into a show worthy of dumpage.

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The Assassin's Creed Effect

You may be asking yourself this: What is the Assassin’s Creed effect? It’s rather simple and may soon be classified as an almost terminal disease, or I may just be exaggerating a tad. Having just finished Assassin’s Creed II and putting well over fifteen hours into the game; I find myself trying to play other games as if I were still Ezio; with his agility, his arsenal, and his ability to run up a wall as opposed to running into a wall.

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The Sausage Dump #1: Rob's Man-Crush on Jake G

The Sausage Dump was a name/segment I created for Distributed Failure a while back; it was a segment devoted to all things not game-related. In the past month or two Distributed Failure has grown larger and we have not had the time to get to The Sausage Dump in most recent episodes. This has been resolved by creating a brand new podcast conveniently entitled The Sausage Dump.

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iPhone: Do Not Press The Red Button Review

If you don't press this button, you can always press my button...

Do Not Press The Red Button is just an app version of the now old, and somewhat tired, flash “game” of the same name. It’s hard to describe and best if you just experience it for yourself. This little joke first started in 2005, but I’m still enjoying it in 2009.

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iPhone: Kyper Review

An interesting concept that doesn't end up working particularly well.

  • Game: Kyper (v1.0.4)
  • Developer: NimbleBit
  • Price (at time of review): Free
  • Release Date: 5/7/2009

Kyper is all about getting to the highest speed possible, while avoiding asteroids at the same time. The unique aspect of Kyper is that in order to increase your speed, you’ll have to fly as close as possible to certain asteroids and avoid other asteroids at the same time.

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iPhone: Facebook Review

It's Facebook for the iPhone...and it's kind of better than the "real" Facebook.

  • App: Facebook (v3.02)
  • Developer: Facebook
  • Price (at time of review): Free
  • Release Date: 7/28/2008

I’m phoning it in with this review. Facebook for the iPhone is a terrific app and I happen to find it preferable to the “real” Facebook. I’m not really into the whole Facebook/Myspace world anymore, but this particular app motivates me to be a bit more active.

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