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9 Games That Should Have Been Awesome, But Ended Up Sucking

Just as every year is full of surprises; every year is also full of much suckage. There are those special games that little boys and girls get excited for and end up with nothing but a big bowl of diarrhea and disappointment. These are just a few examples of some games that should have been awesome, but ended up sucking the big one; and by big one, I mean my sausage. Please show your love/hate for our personal picks and let us know which games disappointed you.

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6 Games That Should Have Sucked, But Ended Up Awesome

Every year is full of surprises. There are games that end up disappointing and games that leave us surprised with our pants around our ankles. This particular list highlights the latter of previously mentioned games; the games that should have sucked, but ended up being rather awesome. We will post our second list, 9 Games That Should Have Been Awesome, But Ended Up Sucking, tomorrow. In the mean time, feel free to show your love/hate for our personal picks and maybe leave us a comment with some of your own personal choices. P.S. - Feel free to check out the "beta" prototype of a possible fancier setup for future features.

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Podcast Reviews: The Mediocre Show

I have heard about podcasts for years without ever really thinking about what they were. About six months ago, after receiving my first iPod, I actually looked around for some podcasts to listen to and found it hard to know what I wanted. After meeting Big St3ph3n and getting involved with the guys at Distributed Failure, I started branching out to listen to more shows. Through Twitter and Xbox Live, I have heard people mention other podcasts all the time. The Problem is that no one ever really talks about what a show is focused on, what it features or why it's different from others. That's what I am hoping to provide here; Insight on what each podcast is about and my opinion on how well it works. To start this off, here is my review of The Mediocre Show.

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iPhone: Rebirth of Fortune Review

It's basically Final Fantasy Tactics for the iPhone...What more do you need?
There are plenty of people who love Final Fantasy and all games associated with it. I happen to be one of those people to an extent (I stress the "to an extent" part). I think the best thing Final Fantasy has ever done is creating a large amount of unique classes. I have played every Final Fantasy Tactics game and always love being able to go through and build my team to match my play style. I start my review with all of this seemingly pointless info because Rebirth of Fortune is basically a smaller version of Final Fantasy Tactics.

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The Sausage Dump #5: Coming Out of the Closet

Welcome to the Sausage Dump! It's been a while since the last dump, but we are back with a vengeance (minus Bruce Willis). Rob hates everything. Stephen loves everything. Dan is still Mexican. Kari joins us once again and is no longer allowed to be called special. Last but not least, I come out of a closet. All that and much, much more in episode 5 of the Sausage Dump!

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We Must Fight!

If you follow either Kush or I on twitter, you have no doubt seen our conversation regarding the movies Death at a Funeral and the soon to be released Death at a Funeral (that is not a typo; both films have the same title). I urge you to check out both trailers, but implore you to watch this trailer, which is for the original Death at a Funeral first. The original movie starred British actors and, well, white people. This trailer is essentially the original movie, Death at a Funeral, with a black lens over it.

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Bayonetta (X360) Review

Bayonetta is a Japanese game. It has a unique style that you would never see from a Western-made game and it delivers a wonderful and enjoyable experience. I won’t say that I understood what was going on in any way, but it was ridiculous, funny, and overtly sexual. I never expected to enjoy the character that is Bayonetta, but I ended up finding her quite interesting and I hope we’re lucky enough to see more of her in the future. It may sound odd, but I think she’s actually a better female lead than someone like Lara Croft because while Bayonetta is a very sexualized character; she knows it and chooses to embrace it. Lara Croft is an adventurer supposedly grounded in real life who apparently must bring her makeup kit and skin-tight clothing as she’s off risking her life.

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Game of the Year Award Winners 2009

2009 is officially over and it’s about time I posted the winners of the Pixelated Sausage ’09 Gaming Awards. If you listened to the latest episode of Distributed Failure then you already know the outcome, but If you haven’t (what are you waiting for?) then this will all be new to you. We received twenty one votes in total and we had some very close categories. With all that said, it’s about time I revealed the answers.

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DF Question of the Week: 12/23/2009

So hot, want to touch the heiney...

Another week and another question for all you loyal listeners; we plan to try and keep these coming on a weekly basis. What’s a better topic to talk about just before Christmas than nudity? Jesus came out of Mary’s nude vagina and was fully nude with his little pecker flopping about and whatnot right? (How many people did I possibly offend right there?) Wow, I feel rather overwhelmed by all the question marks.

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Rogue Warrior (X360) Review

I did my best to censor the dialogue for all the little boys and girls out there...

“Suck my balls, my hairy fucking big balls. Wrap ‘em around your fucking mouth.” That quote pretty much sums up the entirety of Rogue Warrior. It’s absolutely ridiculous and definitely not for children or the faint of heart. Is it a good game? No, but it achieves that wonderful B-movie vibe thanks to terrible writing and voice acting.

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