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Toys R Us: the kid has grown up

This is ridiculous. This is crazy. This, this is utter nonsense. And no, this is most definitely not Sparta. For reasons unknown, I just mentioned a Killers' song. But what I meant to say, ADHD and all, is that I have been hearing this easy listening-ish rendition of the Toys R Us song for days now. It has been driving me so bat shit bonkers, that I decided to record a quick vocal demo. I am considering a future, full-blown version of this crap, but I can't help but laugh every time I think of it.

Keep in mind, what you are about to hear is short and ends with a whimper, which may be reminiscent of your penis. Sorry, I just had to get at least one insult cemented into the post. All this Toys R Us chatter has put me into a depression, leaving me wanting for the good ol' days of video game tickets and that magical room of what could only be an infinite number of games. Damn! I just realized something; I grew up. I am no longer a Toys R Us kid. I am a Toys R Fudging (censored) Us Man! On topic, the "song" is below.


Bring it back!

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