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Memorable Gaming Moment 2003: SOCOM II

My most memorable gaming experience of 2003 is SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs. The reason for this is because SOCOM II was the first online game I played that wasn’t an MMO. My wife at the time had a coworker who was playing it every night, along with another coworker’s husband, and they would talk about how much fun it was all the time. At the time we didn’t have broadband, but the more I heard about SOCOM II, I quickly gained much interest. We eventually broke down and bought a high-speed connection, the PS2 Network Adapter, and a hundred foot kit to create our own Cat-6 cable, which was the most miserable experience ever; the cables never worked.

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Memorable Gaming Moment 2003: The Wind Waker

I know it’s hard to look at anything besides the amazing N-Gage in 2003, but surprisingly, I have a different memorable moment (obvious sarcasm is obvious). I was a huge Zelda fan as a wee lad, but due to the fact that I’ve never owned a SNES or Nintendo 64 (recently bought one), I lost touch with the series; I did own a Gameboy, but I somehow never played any of the handheld games. If you can’t already tell, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker is my most memorable gaming moment of 2003.

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Memorable Gaming Moment 2002: Community Edition

Looking back, 2002 truly was an awesome year for gaming on all systems. We had great games like TimeSplitters 2, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Mafia, Metroid Prime and a lot more, but it was also a time when I was able to play a lot of the best games of 2001 like Max Payne and Grand Theft Auto III. With all that said, there was one game that came out in 2002 that truly blew me away, from its smooth, detailed visuals to its excellent orchestrated soundtrack. That game was none other than Medal of Honor: Frontline.

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Memorable Gaming Moment 2002: Contra: Shattered Soldier

There is one last game that really stuck with me like no other in 2002. This game brought back many memories, was definitely underappreciated, and a game few may even remember. The game I’m talking about is Contra: Shattered Soldier for the Playstation 2. Shattered Soldier mixed the old-school 2-D gameplay of the original games with beautiful 3-D graphics and ended up delivering a fantastic experience for Contra fans.

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Memorable Gaming Moment 2002: BMX XXX

You may have found my previous memorable moments enjoyable, but nothing can match the awesomeness of the following memory; the memory of BMX XXX. There is nothing I want more in my BMX games than nice, pixelated titties. The most amazing aspect of BMX XXX is that it was censored on the Playstation 2 (in the States), but fully uncensored on both the Xbox and the Gamecube. That’s right, Nintendo apparently loves it some titties.

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Memorable Gaming Moment 2002: The Getaway

The success of Grand Theft Auto III created an explosion of open-world action/crime games that varied in quality from pretty damn great to abominations of everything that is holy. One of those games that landed somewhere in the middle for most (but closer to the top for moi) was The Getaway. The game had some odd design choices and it was a bit buggy, but I think the fact that I actually visited London only a few years before its release really helped me overlook any negativity one might find with the game.

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Memorable Gaming Moment 2002: The Network Adapter

Memorable moments don’t always have to be super positive and this particular article will prove it. 2002 was the big year for online console gaming (sorry Dreamcast, you were ahead of your time and you suffered for it). I’m sure everyone has fond memories of the launch of Xbox Live, but as I didn’t own an Xbox; I was pumped to play games online with my PS2 …while using my dial-up connection. My lack of a high-speed connection would greatly limit my online capabilities, but I was good at ignoring the fact that playing the PS2 online totally sucked.

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Memorable Gaming Moment 2002: Animal Crossing

You may be asking yourself this: Why is Kush sharing another memory of 2002? The simple answer is that I am God and I can do anything I want, such as punching infants and baby animals in the face. Now that I got that out of the way, it’s time to move on to memorable moment numero duo. You may have already read my Morrowind moment, but that was not the only game that grabbed me in 2002. 2002 was also the year I finally bought a Gamecube; the first Nintendo system I bought (excluding handhelds) since the NES. I bought the system solely for Metroid Prime, but to my surprise, the game that really sucked me in was Animal Crossing.

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Pocket-Sized Castle Crashers: I'm Not Happy To See You

That's a lie. I'm actually quite happy, but sadly that's just a knight in my pocket (no bananas here). I figured I’d treat myself to something special and that “something special” is finally home. This post will surely bore 69% of you (optimistic much), but maybe you’ll like the pretty pictures. I was a rather big fan of Castle Crashers and I especially loved the art style; I’m a huge fan of The Behemoth in general. With all that said, I recently ordered some little fellows to call my own and you should clickity-click for the glamour shot (there’s no better stereotype than whoring for clicks).

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Memorable Gaming Moment 2002: Morrowind

2002 would mark the beginning of the end of PC gaming for moi. Those who know me nowadays would probably be surprised to hear tales of my “hardcore-ness” in the PC gaming crowd, but there was a time when I played PC games exclusively. 2002 featured quite a few great games, but it never felt quite as crowded as 2001. That may be a true statement, or it may be due to the fact that I only played a few titles during the entire year. The game I played more than anything else (and likely more than any game in my short lifespan) was The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. I can safely say I spent well over one thousand hours in the game; a game with absolutely no multi-player component at all.

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