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Play N Trade: Selling Games on CD-R

Gamestop is the recipient of much hate and I can understand said hate, but at least they are noble enough to not sell an illegal burned copy of a game. I went to a Play N Trade today – I honestly never heard of the chain prior to this day – and I was initially impressed with the layout, but the prices on newer games were not particularly desirable. I did, however, find a copy of Power Stone 2 [best 3D fighter in the history of all that is sweet and holy] in what seemed to be good condition for $14.99 [if it is too good to be true, it usually is].

I was giddy with excitement over this find and could not wait to pop it in my Dreamcast. To my surprise, the cashier [Sam] grabbed a CD-R with “Powerstone 2 (jpn)” written on its oh so generic face. I accepted this and left the store because I had to take a drive and let it all sink in; I was in danger of reaching a level of rage that would make “Rob-rage” look like a kitten eating cupcakes. After about 30 minutes of mindless travel and a calming of my Sicilian rage, I returned to the store.

I was still on the brink of exploding because I thought they may try and accuse moi of switching the disc or some other kind of malarkey. I went straight to the desk and told the cashier that I wanted my money back. She asked if the game did not work and I simply replied with, “this is not a legit copy.” She let out a stunned reaction that could only mean one of two things: she was acting or she was extremely ignorant and had no business working in a video game specialty shop. Either way, I left with my money and the knowledge that I would never shop at a Play N Trade ever again. You could say that I was just a fluke, one in a million, but one offense of this degree is one billion too many.

P.S. This happened at the Play N Trade that just opened in Six Corners, at the address of 3918-20 N. Cicero. I can only hope that no one ever shops there and they quickly go out of business. That may not be nice, but in this case, they truly deserve it. My wish is actually quite probable as they are only a few blocks away from a Gamestop. Thank you Play N Trade, you have made Gamestop look angelic in comparison.

P.P.S. I have no pictures as I have no camera phone and do not carry a camera with moi at all times. I considered going home to take pictures, but I was not that close to home and I really wanted to return the game before they could accuse moi of [expletive deleted]. You can choose to believe moi or not, but those who know me know that I would never make up a story as ridiculous and crazy as this.

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