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iPhone: Board Games !!! Review

 The equivalent to your local Walgreens board game mega pack

  • Game: Board Games !!! (v1.0.2)
  • Developer: Samir
  • Price (at time of review): Free
  • Release Date: 10/1/2009

Board Games !!! is a collection of nine different board games including checkers, chess, and othello.  The board games are either hit or miss in functionality and the difficulty level is very inconsistent. The production value is very low and it really shows when you dive head first into the game.

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iPhone: FunFun DrawPoker Review

It's 5-card draw; nothing more, nothing less...

FunFun DrawPoker is a perfectly adequate poker game for anyone who just wants to play poker without complication. It may not feature many bells or whistles, but what do you expect from a free game? That being said, it does what it needs to do and that will likely be enough for most casual poker fans.

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iPhone: 3D Checkers Review

It may not look too bad, but looks are often deceiving.

  • Game: 3D Checkers (v2.0)
  • Developer: koduco
  • Price(at time of review): Free
  • Release Date: 9/12/2009

Checkers isn’t the most complicated game, but that doesn’t make it an easy game to create in video game form. 3D Checkers has potential; it looks good and has a fairly nice presentation. Sadly the game features dumb AI and unresponsive controls.

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The PSP Go: Now an Even Bigger Rip-off

Kaz Hirai is currently thinking about how he can screw every PSP owner even more!

Just when you thought the PSP Go couldn't get any worse, Sony decides to add another kick to the balls. It seems that there will be no UMD transfer program for all those early supporters of the PSP. That means that every single UMD is essentially worthless now. I must thank Sony for giving me yet another reason to never buy a PSP Go.

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TGS 2009: The Last Guardian

Here's to hoping they don't kill off this lovely creature...

Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are two of the best Playstation 2 games you'll ever play. I personally believe that Shadow of the Colossus is one of the greatest games that I've ever played. Team ICO was responsible for those games and their newest game, The Last Guardian, looks to follow quite fittingly in their footsteps.

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Fall Out The Sky Trailer

Updated on Friday, September 18, 2009 at 7:55PM by Registered CommenterMarc Kusnierz

Above is the trailer for the upcoming music video for "Fall Out the Sky", from the mixtape, "Everybody's Nobody". It will be premeiring on Myspace this Friday (aka September 18th). Why should you care? It just so happens that XV is a friend of Big St3ph3n and sir Stephen is featured in the video; he's going to be a star!

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Muramasa: The Demon Blade Review

The art is beautiful, but don't expect much variety.

Imagine a world in which Disney created hentai porn. Imagine the beautiful hand drawn art of Disney, mixed with writing found in the porn industry. That’s the kind of feeling I get after playing Muramasa: The Demon Blade. The game is gorgeous and I found myself playing it for hours, but the more I played it, the less interested I became in it.

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Shadow Complex: The Return of Console Side-Scrollers

Playing through Shadow Complex has got me thinking; at what point did game designers stop listening to what we want, and instead let focus groups (and the people who never really buy the games) dictate what we want?

A perfect example of this would be Sonic the Hedgehog. For years the gaming community has been screaming for an old Sonic; a 2-D Sonic, side scrolling Sonic. One day a video leaked and it was for a new Sonic game; a new side-scrolling Sonic game. Classic Sonic fans everywhere were excited. We patiently waited for confirmation that it was a real game. It was real, but the joy we felt wouldn’t be lasting too long. The next video they showed us featured something different, something we didn’t want. What we got was a video of a hack-n-slash level, where Sonic became a “Werehog”. We all groaned, knowing this was not going to be the game we all wanted.

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SMT: Persona 3 Portable

It would appear that the world of Persona 3 will be coming to the PSP later this year (in Japan at least). It seems that you will be playing as a young lady this time around, though the main character from PS2 game will have a part in the game as well. Not much is known about the game as of right now, but I'm sure we'll hear more in the coming months, probably at the Tokyo Game Show.

I don't know about everyone else out there, but I am really excited for this game. I would have been happy with a simple port of Persona 3, but the fact that we're getting a brand new story is more than I ever could have asked for. Hopefully those of us living outside of Japan (and not understanding Japanese) won't have to wait too long to get the game. I've only just heard of the game's existence, but I'm already dying to get my hands on it.



Anticipation: A Tale of Video Game Delays

With all the delays coming about recently, my anticipation level has risen beyond belief. I’m sure I don’t have to list the games that have been delayed recently, but just in case some “noobs” around here haven’t been paying attention, these upcoming titles have all been delayed.

  • Bioshock 2
  • Bayonetta
  • Dragon Age: Origins
  • Dark Void
  • Red Dead Redemption
  • Splinter Cell Conviction
  • Mafia 2
  • Star Craft 2
  • Heavy Rain

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