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The Xbox 360: Teaching the Youth About Marijuana

It is a well known fact that video games are to blame for all the world’s problems. If someone shoots another person; it was because of video games. If kids join together to perform an underage orgy; it was because of video games. If you have Aids; it was because of video games. These statements are obviously all true and I have proof that Microsoft is teaching kids the wonder of marijuana in the recently released Risen for the PC and Xbox 360.

If you somehow cannot tell already, I am not being serious by any stretch of the imagination. I created this video because I found the drug use aspect of Risen to be something capable of inducing laughter. Risen is a ridiculous and glitchy game that I can recommend to anyone who enjoys playing games with the constant thought of: “What the fudge?!” One example of an oddity in Risen is the fact that at one point – sadly I have no video proof – every character in my game was eating a loaf of bread. Did it make any sense? No. But, it was an experience that I won’t soon forget and you have to give Risen credit for that. Sit back and enjoy this weed-filled video of sex, lies, and dude, where’s my donkey?

Youtube: Xbox 360: Teaching the Youth About Marijuana



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