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PSP #721: Red Wings: Aces of the Sky, Formula Retro Racing, Apex Legends

On today's show, Marc doesn't waste any time and just gets right to what they've been playing, including a game about shooting planes out of the sky and a game about driving cars under the sky. Anyway, something-something solo and don't forget yolo, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly I hate I used "yolo" for a rhyme) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks. If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the plentiful podcasts, the various videos, the absurd art, and all of the other nonsense we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. Thanks for being a fan.

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PSP #720: Unreal Engine 5, Fury Unleashed, Apex Legends Season 5, Demon's Tier+, Potato: Fairy Flower

On today's show, Marc starts off talking about the Unreal Engine 5 tech demo and why it didn't wow them like everyone else, then goes off on how they're annoyed that Sony isn't making more Jak, Sly, and Ratchet games, even if they're just remakes. Speaking of remakes, Marc also talks about a few recent remake announcements, including some Tony Hawk's Pro Skater and Mafia news, along with a game/franchise they'd love to see remade. Then, after all that, they finally get around to what they've been playing, from a game that's a roguelite to a game that's a roguelike. It's all very exciting. Anyway, something-something Sonic sucks and his movie isn't worth your bucks, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly natural) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks. If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the plentiful podcasts, the various videos, the absurd art, and all of the other nonsense we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. Thanks for being a fan.

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Attack the Backlog: Streets of Rage Trilogy

Updated on Sunday, May 10, 2020 at 12:00PM by Registered CommenterMarc Kusnierz

On this episode of Attack the Backlog, Marc punches, kicks, and throws their way through the streets of, well, Streets of Rage 1, 2, and 3, the trilogy of beat 'em ups that are some of the best games the genre has to offer. The Streets of Rage trilogy originally came out during the 90s on Sega Genesis/Mega Drive and has since been ported to too many other platforms to list. If you want to play these games, you want have any difficulty finding a way to do so. Anyway, something-something grabby and anything but flabby, cheers and enjoy the show.

If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the plentiful podcasts, the various videos, the absurd art, and all of the other nonsensical nonsense we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. As always, thanks for being a fan.

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PSP #719: Inside Xbox, Fledgling Heroes, Slayin 2, Ghost Sweeper

On today's show, Marc starts off talking about what was shown during this week's Inside Xbox, why people are pissed off about it, and why their complaints are both valid and a bit much. After that, they talk about what they've been playing, from a game about birds to a game about killing herds. Anyway, something-something EA being EA, why you being so sleazay, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly stupidly delivered) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks. If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the plentiful podcasts, the various videos, the absurd art, and all of the other nonsense we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. Thanks for being a fan.

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PSP #718: Dread Nautical, Arcade Spirits, Moons of Madness, SnowRunner

On today's show, Marc doesn't waste much time, getting to what they've been playing in record time--this is most likely incredibly inaccurate--including a game about tentacles, another game about tentacles, and a game that may have games within it about tentacles. Anyway, something-something Lovecraftian and is there a raft in it, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly novel) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks. If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the plentiful podcasts, the various videos, the absurd art, and all of the other nonsense we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. Thanks for being a fan.

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Attack the Backlog: Katana Zero

Updated on Sunday, April 26, 2020 at 12:00PM by Registered CommenterMarc Kusnierz

On this episode of Attack the Backlog, Marc slashes and dashes their way through the clubs and streets of Katana Zero, a 2D action-platformer where you play as a samurai-like assassin who, well, assassinates those who deserve it...or do they? Katana Zero originally came out on April 18th, 2019 for PC and Switch. Anyway, something-something I found a gun, but wait, what do I do with said gun, cheers and enjoy the show.

If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the plentiful podcasts, the various videos, the absurd art, and all of the other nonsensical nonsense we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. As always, thanks for being a fan.

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PSP #717: Rainbows, Toilets, & Unicorns, Dead or School, Sunless Sea

On today's show, Marc starts off talking about Apex Legends and how/why they're thinking about retiring from the game for good, followed by some rumors of a potential upcoming Xbox event. After that, they talk about what they've playing, from a game about shooting emojis and rabbis to a game about who knows what 'cause the game doesn't do a good job of telling you anything. Anyway, something-something in da zee and I think I have to pee, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly confusing) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks. If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the plentiful podcasts, the various videos, the absurd art, and all of the other nonsense we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. Thanks for being a fan.

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PSP #716: PlayStation 5 Price...Maybe, Beholder 2, Apex Legends

On today's show, a short show, relatively speaking, Marc starts off talking about some PlayStation 5 news before jumping into what little they've been playing, including a game about spying on comrades to a game about sliding like wombats. Do wombats slide? I don't know, but it rhymed well enough with comrades, so I don't care. Anyway, something-something limited and not limited, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly pricey) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks. If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the plentiful podcasts, the various videos, the absurd art, and all of the other nonsense we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. Thanks for being a fan.

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Attack the Backlog: River City Girls

Updated on Sunday, April 12, 2020 at 12:00PM by Registered CommenterMarc Kusnierz

On this episode of Attack the Backlog, Marc punches and kicks their way through the streets of River City Girls, a beat ‘em up that’s a spin-off of the Kunio-kun franchise (aka, River City Ransom and the like) where you play as bad ass women instead of bad ass men. River City Girls originally came out for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One on September 5th, 2019, aka, my mother's birthday. Anyway, something-something cheap and making me say so many words you'd bleep, cheers and enjoy the show.

If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the plentiful podcasts, the various videos, the absurd art, and all of the other nonsensical nonsense we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. As always, thanks for being a fan.

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PSP #715: Resident Evil 3, Convoy: A Tactical Roguelike, Good Goliath, The DualSense

On today's show, a much shorter show than last week's show, Marc starts off things by talking about their new upcoming anime podcast, as well as the reveal of Sony's new controller for the PlayStation 5: The DualSense. After that, they talk about what they've been playing, including more games about zombies and a game about catching shit and throwing shit, literally (if you consider human beings to be shit). Anyway, something-something quick and sick (but not coronavirus sick), cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly nutty) show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks. If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the plentiful podcasts, the various videos, the absurd art, and all of the other nonsense we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. Thanks for being a fan.

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