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Super Destronaut DX-2 Is a Fun Arcade Shooter and Well Worth Your Time

Super Destronaut DX-2 is a fun and simple arcade shooter heavily inspired by classic games like Space Invaders and Galaga. The action can get a bit crazy and will likely overwhelm at first, especially since particle effects and enemy projectiles can blend together, but once you get a hang of things--which shouldn't take long--Super Destronaut DX-2 is a good time. The only real negative I have is that the game is not content rich and, because of that, the lack of online leaderboards is felt more than it would be in more meaty games. All that said, at only $5, Super Destronaut DX-2 is an easy sell and well worth checking out if you're a fan of arcade shooters.

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Super Destronaut DX-2 Is a Fun Arcade Shooter and Well Worth Your Time

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