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When Max Payne Became Max on Fire | Attack the Backlog

Updated on Sunday, January 16, 2022 at 12:00PM by Registered CommenterMarc Kusnierz

On this episode of Attack the Backlog, Marc falls down left and right and struggles to regain their footing in Max Payne 3, a game that is technically a Max Payne game, but feels more like a Man of Fire game than a Max Payne game, sans the Walken, but not the walking. Anyway, something-something, cleaning the Jersey shore with my fists and nothing more, cheers and enjoy the...wait for

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks. You can get an even more in-depth discussion by listening to the podcast and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patrondonate a little something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the podcasts, the streaming, the videos, the art, and everything in between. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to consume any of the content I make and thank you for being a fan. I can't begin to express how much I appreciate each and every one of you. Cheers.

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Potential Huge News?! | The Pixelated Sausage Podcast

It's been an interesting week and the week that's about to follow it is going to be even more interesting. This episode is light on content because I both didn't play much and, on top of that, I completely forgot about this show (again). What does all this mean? It means I am now seriously considering retiring The Pixelated Sausage Podcast. I feel like it's been pretty obvious, especially as of late, that my heart hasn't been in this show for a while and, well, just listen to the show and hear my thoughts on everything in more detail. I've got lots to think about right now, soooo, um, let me go off and think about said lots right now. Cheers!

Anyway...That's it and that's all folks. If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the podcasts, the streaming, the videos, the art, and everything in between. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to consume any of the content I make and thank you for being a fan. I can't begin to express how much I appreciate each and every one of you. :)

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Yakuza Kiwami Is a Yet Another Majimezingly Good Time | Attack the Backlog

Updated on Sunday, January 2, 2022 at 12:00PM by Registered CommenterMarc Kusnierz

On this episode of Attack the Backlog, Majima is everywhere in town and Marc is nowhere to be found in Yakuza Kiwami, a a remake of the first game in the Yakuza series that adds more than just a fresh coat of paint and the original Japanese voice acting, making it worth playing for both new fans and olds fans alike. Anyway, something-something, that's not a deer, that's just Majima in costume, no cap, he literally is everywhere, cheers and enjoy the...wait for

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks. You can get an even more in-depth discussion by listening to the podcast and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patrondonate a little something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the podcasts, the streaming, the videos, the art, and everything in between. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to consume any of the content I make and thank you for being a fan. I can't begin to express how much I appreciate each and every one of you. Cheers.

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The Letter: A Horror Visual Novel, Heavenly Bodies, Lacuna - A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure, In My Shadow, and More | The Pixelated Sausage Podcast

And just like that, the year is almost over. Was it good, was it bad? Who's to say, but it's definitely been had. I think I speak for only me when I say this year has been exhausting and I can't wait to start fresh with a new one that hopefully, eventually, finds us all returning to some kind of normalcy; however, the year is not over just yet and there are still games to talk about, including The Letter: A Horror Visual Novel (which is surprisingly good), and Lacuna - A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure (which is even more surprisingly good and maybe one of the best games I've played all year), so sit back and relax with this here last episode of the 2021! Cheers!

Anyway...That's it and that's all folks. If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the podcasts, the streaming, the videos, the art, and everything in between. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to consume any of the content I make and thank you for being a fan. I can't begin to express how much I appreciate each and every one of you. :)

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Happy’s Humble Burger Farm, Serious Sam 4, Wytchwood, Evil Genius 2: World Domination, The Legend of Tianding, and More | The Pixelated Sausage Podcast

Somehow, the year is almost over and yet it feels like it's only just begun, or maybe it actually feels like it's been multiple years despite it only being one. Whether you fall into the former camp or the latter camp, many games have come and gone in this here year of 2021 and this episode features a plethora of games that just came out only recently (or, at the very least, came out on a new platform recently), including Happy's Humble Burger Farm (which is...indescribable), Serious Sam 4 (which is seriously just more Serious Sam), and Wytchwood (wytch is an incredibly beautiful game and just lovely all around). I only mentioned three, but this episode has so much more it might explode, so whether you celebrate a holiday or not, here's to celebrating the wonderful world of video games and all the joy it provides. Cheers to games and cheers to you.

Anyway...That's it and that's all folks. If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the podcasts, the streaming, the videos, the art, and everything in between. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to consume any of the content I make and thank you for being a fan. I can't begin to express how much I appreciate each and every one of you. :)

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PUBG? More like POO POO PEE PEE, Am I Right?! | Attack the Backlog

Updated on Sunday, December 19, 2021 at 12:00PM by Registered CommenterMarc Kusnierz

On this episode of Attack the Backlog, Marc throws apples at anything and everything while waiting to die so they can throw even more apples in PUBG, a game people like to say started the whole battle royale thing even though it didn't. But whatever. It's an okay game, I guess, but it's no Apex Legends, so who cares, eh. Am I right or am I right? Spoilers: I am so very, very right. Anyway, something-something, people be camping and I can't stand it, cheers and enjoy the...wait for

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks. You can get an even more in-depth discussion by listening to the podcast and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patrondonate a little something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the podcasts, the streaming, the videos, the art, and everything in between. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to consume any of the content I make and thank you for being a fan. I can't begin to express how much I appreciate each and every one of you. Cheers.

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The Gunk, White Shadows, DEEEER Simulator, Let's Sing 2022, Aluna: Sentinel of the Shards, and More | The Pixelated Sausage Podcast

The weight of the year is being felt and exhaustion is hitting us all, but Marc still manages to find the time to check out and talk about a few games this week, like always, including The Gunk (only their impression based off the first hour and a half or so), White Shadows (another one of those Limbo-likes), and DEEEER Simulator (a game all about--oh deer god...make it stop!), and more. Also, they briefly talk about the game they're streaming--Returnal--and how it's kind of (aka, completely) amazing.

Anyway...That's it and that's all folks. If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the podcasts, the streaming, the videos, the art, and everything in between. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to consume any of the content I make and thank you for being a fan. I can't begin to express how much I appreciate each and every one of you. :)

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Hot Wheels Unleashed, Mini Madness, Drizzlepath: Deja Vu, and Asterix & Obelix: Slap them All! | The Pixelated Sausage Podcast

Marc starts things off talking about their realization that they're allergic to Brussels sprouts and the adventure they had pooping all the poop. Once their bowels are empty, they dive deep into what they've been playing, including Hot Wheels Unleashed (finally!), Mini Madness (a game that wishes it was Hot Wheels Unleashed), and Drizzlepath: Deja Vu (a walking simulator with controls that make it so you barely have to do a thing).

Anyway...That's it and that's all folks. If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the podcasts, the streaming, the videos, the art, and everything in between. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to consume any of the content I make and thank you for being a fan. I can't begin to express how much I appreciate each and every one of you. :)

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Nights into Dreams Was No Dream, But a Nightmare for Me | Attack the Backlog

Updated on Sunday, December 5, 2021 at 12:00PM by Registered CommenterMarc Kusnierz

On this episode of Attack the Backlog, Marc spins, twirls, and stumbles their way through the skies and waters of Nights into Dreams, a game that's more nightmarish than dreamy with only a fantastic soundtrack making up for what is otherwise a terrible game. Anyway, something-something, feels like a good night for a curse, but I guess things could be worse, cheers and enjoy the...wait for

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks. You can get an even more in-depth discussion by listening to the podcast and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patrondonate a little something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the podcasts, the streaming, the videos, the art, and everything in between. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to consume any of the content I make and thank you for being a fan. I can't begin to express how much I appreciate each and every one of you. Cheers.

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Airborne Kingdom, Grow: Song of the Evertree, Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi, The Smurfs - Mission Vileaf, Epic Chef, and More | The Pixelated Sausage Podcast

After forgetting about the podcast last week, Marc is back in average form with a brand new episode full of games of many sorts. There's a first-person dungeon crawler with great art, a surprisingly good licensed 3D platformer, and one of the best visual novels Marc has ever played. There's also some crap too. If you want to know what's what--some are easier to guess than others--you'll just have to listen to find out.

Anyway...That's it and that's all folks. If you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the podcasts, the streaming, the videos, the art, and everything in between. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to consume any of the content I make and thank you for being a fan. I can't begin to express how much I appreciate each and every one of you. :)

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