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A Perfectly Fine and Forgettable Time: A Sorrowvirus Preview | FIRST!

The Sorrowvirus: A Faceless Short Story isn't a bad game, but it isn't particularly good either; it rests solely in the middle, falling into a purgatory of its own making as you explore the purgatory of the designer's making. Get it... 'cause it's a game all about purgatory. I played through the game once and dabbled with a second playthrough before hanging my sweater up, taking my shoes off, and calling it a day. It's not that I wasn't enjoying the game--the story is more interesting than expected--but there wasn't enough drawing me in and demanding I keep playing past playthrough number one. The Sorrowvirus is a fine game, but it's never anything more than that and, while that's fine, that doesn't lead to anything other than a forgettable time.

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A Perfectly Fine and Forgettable Time: A Sorrowvirus Preview | FIRST!

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