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If Only Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure's Price Was a Joke... | FIRST!

I'm not going to waste your time. Do not buy Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure. I don't care how good the table is--spoilers: it's nothing special--there is no justifying the price of this single table, costing significantly more than every other piece of Pinball FX3 DLC, even the three-table packs. If it's because of the Indiana Jones license--I can't imagine any other reason--it wasn't worth it. I could go on and on about how annoyed I am, but no one needs that, so let me just repeat: do not but this table. Wait for a sale, or maybe just wait forever. Like I said, it's not that great of a table anyway, so if you never pick it up, you won't be missing much.

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Infernax is Bad...for Rhyming, But It's Great for Playing and That's a Fact! | FIRST!

What if Castlevania II: Simon's Quest was a good game? Don't get me wrong, I love Simon's Quest, but there's no denying it isn't without its faults. Infernax feels like the answer, taking everything I loved about Simon's Quest, removing everything I hated, while adding some modern design in order to make a game that looks great, sounds great, plays great, and, more important than anything else, doesn't require a guide to beat. If you have any love for the NES Castlevanias (or retro games in general), you'll find plenty to enjoy in Infernax and that's a fact.

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Ghost of Tsushima is Delicious Like Ma's Sushi, Man | Attack the Backlog

On this episode of Attack the Backlog, watch as I duel and reviewel my way through the beautiful forests and valleys of Ghost of Tsushima, a game where you play as a samurai fighting against tradition in order to bring freedom and peace to Japan. If that sounds like your jam, I can't recommend it highly enough. I may sound negative at times in the review, but my experience was unique as outside influences affected me more than usual. Despite all that, I still had a great time, adding yet another win for Sony's secret best studio. Ghost of Tsushima originally came out on July 17, 2020 for PlayStation 4 and has since been released on PlayStation 5.

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Music Racer: An Amazing Audio Visualizer, But a Terrible Game | FIRST!

Music Racer is a game I played when it originally came out in 2018 and, while this new "Ultimate Edition" adds a bit more content and the ability to use your own music, my feelings about the core game itself haven't changed; Music Racer is an amazing audio visualizer, but it is a terrible game and in no way fun to play. Does that mean I don't recommend it? Well, that all depends on what you're looking for. If you want a good away and don't look back, never look back; however, if you want one of the greatest audio visualizers ever made (maybe the best), I can't recommend Music Racer highly enough. As long as you know what you're getting before you pull the trigger, I doubt you'll be disappointed.

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The Last Cube is First in My Book | FIRST!

I'm very hit or miss when it comes to puzzle games, so The Last Cube already had a barrier to break through before I even started playing it and, like in-game, it broke through that barrier with ease to become one of my favorite games of the year (so far). This may only be my first impression based off the first 45 minutes and it could fall off a cliff starting at minute 46, but I enjoyed the hell out of what I played, finding The Last Cube succeeding in that ever-so-hard ability to create puzzles that are challenging, but never frustrating, introducing new mechanics and new ideas at the perfect pace. Again, I don't know if it'll stick the landing, but I can say one thing for sure, The Last Cube makes a hell of a great first impression. 

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Elex II is Perfect for Fans of Jetpacks, Jank, and Euro Poo | FIRST!

Elex II is not a good game. It's buggy, full of jank, and not particularly fun to play; however, if you enjoy yourself some Euro jank--I've been known to dabble--you'll likely find plenty to enjoy in Elex II. It has a weird charm, terrible voice acting, and writing so creative, there's literally a creature called, "Annoying Critter." I can't recommend paying full price for the game, but if you go in knowing what you're gonna get and pick it up during a sale, you'll probably have a good (enough) time with Elex II, even if it is the gaming equivalent of poo. 

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Gear.Club Unlimited 2: Ultimate Edition Should Have, Ultimately, Stayed on the Switch | FIRST!

Let's get one thing out of the way right at the start. Gear.Club Unlimited 2: Ultimate Edition is not a bad game. In the grand scheme of things, Gear.Club Unlimited 2 is a solid entry in the racing genre. That said, it's clear from second one that Gear.Club Unlimited 2 is a Switch game being ported and it can't compete with what the other consoles and PC have to offer. It's also a three-year-old game. Now, none of this would be a problem if it was agreeably priced, but at $40, it's hard to recommend what is ultimately a three-year-old Switch game to owners of significantly more powerful devices with many other options out there. To summarize, Gear.Club Unlimited 2: Ultimate Edition is not a bad game, it's just an old, overpriced one.

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My Humor May Be for Dummies, But PowerSlave Exhumed is Fun for All, Not Just the Mummies | FIRST!

Despite playing and loving many games like PowerSlave, I never played PowerSlave until now thanks to the new and shiny Exhumed edition, which takes aspects from the Saturn and PlayStation versions and mashes them together. I don't know what's from what, but what I do know is I had a really good time with PowerSlave Exhumed and wanted nothing more than to keep playing after I put it down in order to try another game [for FIRST!]. It feels good, looks good, and is just a good time all around. Is nostalgia a factor? Probably, but, more so than that, PowerSlave Exhumed is just a good game, a game well worth your time if you enjoy classic shooters and don't mind getting lost on a somewhat regular basis.

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Castle Morihisa Should Have Been Moriginal and Less Slay the Spire-y | FIRST!

This is going to sound weird. Castle Morihisa is a good game and I had fun playing it. Weird, right? That said, I would recommend Castle Morihisa to no one. Why? Because what Castle Morihisa does is it takes Slay the Spire, changes very little, and delivers a lesser experience. Sure, it's still a good game and imitating one of the best deck-building roguelikes out there--hell, one of the best games period--but it stays too close to the original and what changes it makes are for the worse. Because of that, there's no reason to play Castle Morishisa over Slay the Spire or other games that do a better job of being their own thing (unless you've played every other deck-building roguelike and you just want more of the same with a fresh coat of paint, because that's all Castle Morihisa is).

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Call of Juarez: The What the Hell Were They Thinking One | Attack the Backlog

On this episode of Attack the Backlog, Marc puts on their best Obama mask and gets high as a kite while burning fields of dreams in Call of Juarez: The Cartel, the kind of dreams that only weed can make true, especially when playing a game that's worst that poo. The Cartel is a bad game in so many ways and the kind of game that leaves you constantly asking why as you play. Call of Juarez: The Cartel originally came out on July 19, 2011, for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, with a PC release a few months after that. Marc played the Xbox 360 version of the game on an Xbox Series X via backward compatibility and highly recommends not doing the same.

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