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Princess Farmer’s Gameplay Is a Bit of a Boar, but the Story Has Me Coming Back for More | FIRST!

I love match-3 games. I love them a lot. When I heard Princess Farmer's gameplay was all about match-3, I was immediately interested; however, after spending almost an hour with the game, I left feeling pretty indifferent about the gameplay, but the exact opposite about its story. How did this happen? How did a game about matching vegetables hook me with its story and not its gameplay? All I'll say is, Princess Farmer hints at a story that might have more than a few surprises and, if it delivers on at least some of them, its story will more than make up for its relatively dull gameplay, but this is only a hope and not a confirmation, so, no promises, okay.

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Just 'Cause 3's My Favorite Number Doesn't Mean Just Cause 3's My Favorite Game | Attack the Backlog

On this episode of Attack the Backlog, I blow up everything but dolls in Just Cause 3, a game where you cause mayhem and destruction...just 'cause. This marks a first for Attack the Backlog. This is the first time I've ever gone back into my backlog to finish an old save, instead of restarting a game from the beginning (if it's something I've played before, but never finished). I won't go into further detail here--I have to leave some reason for you to check out the episode (in case my sultry voice isn't enough on its own)--but I will say I 100% made the right decision in choosing to continue my old save instead of starting a new one (and no, not just 'cause).

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35MM Needed More Time in the Darkroom 'Cause It's Seriously Underdeveloped | FIRST!

35MM throws you into post-apocalyptic Russia with just your buddy and a flashlight. In order to survive, you must explore the world in order to find supplies and maybe a few answers at the same time. This all sounds fine, uninspired, but fine; however, everything is lost the second you try and explore and get stopped in your tracks with the game flat out telling you, "No, no, no, no. There's nothing to see here. Please turn around and go back to where you're supposed to be." The game's constant reminders that it's a game and you can't actually do much of anything, takes away from any chance of getting immersed in the world and its story Because of that, I lost interest in 35MM after spending 45 minutes with the game. I can't say everyone will feel the same way, but if you don't like being guided while under the illusion of openness, 35MM won't for you.

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There's Nothing Curious About the Quality of Curious Expedition 2 | FIRST!

Curious Expedition 2 scratches that Oregon Trail itch. Instead of attempting to survive the Oregon trail with your family, you're attempting to survive various expeditions with your crew. Like Oregon Trail, Curious Expedition 2 is heavily reliant on randomization in order to make every playthrough unique; however, in spite of how much was out of my control, I never felt so overwhelmed into believing I was doomed to fail before I even began. I always had hope and that is exactly what I want from games like this. That said, remember that these are only my first impressions, so things may change as I put more time into the game, but, at first blush, Curious Expedition 2 is looking like a worthy game for anyone who likes the thrills that come with any good adventure.

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Super Cyborg Is Maybe a Little Bit Too Contra, but Contra Is Amazing, Soooo... | FIRST!

To say Super Cyborg was inspired by Contra would be putting it mildly when the first level of Super Cyborg is basically the first level of Contra. Now, this isn't a bad thing since Contra is one of the greatest games of all time (and Super Cyborg does a pretty good Contra impression), but it does mean you won't see, and shouldn't expect, much of anything unique in Super Cyborg; if that doesn't bother you, hell, it might even pique your interest, you'll be in for a good and challenging time, and one that won't cost you too many dimes.

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You Don’t Need to Be a Pungent Scholar to Solve the Puzzles in Dungeon Color | FIRST!

Dungeon Color isn't the most challenging puzzle game in the world, but it does require one to step back, look at their surroundings, and figure out what needs to be done in order to proceed; for me, that's all I really want from a puzzle game. If that's all you want too, Dungeon Color is well worth checking out.

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Kombinera Was Very Nera Good, But Control Issues Keep It as a Coulda Woulda Shoulda | FIRST!

I wish I could tell you more about Kombinera. I wish I could give you in-depth, detailed information on what the game is and whether it might be for you. I wish I could do a lot of things--like dancing, playing guitar, and reading/speaking Japanese fluently--but I can't and that long list of "can't"s includes being informative about Kombinera. The reason for this is because I couldn't get past the controls. I don't know if it was me, the game, my TV, or a combination of all three, but I felt a noticeable input lag during my entire time with the game. Because of this, I dropped Kombinera after about 20 minutes. It's a shame, too, because I like the concept of Kombinera, a puzzle-platformer where you control multiple balls simultaneously and have to combine them in order to complete a level. It's a neat idea we don't see often and seems like a cool game, but thanks to off-feeling controls, I'll never know just how truly cool it is or isn't.

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Slipstream Has Looks That Could Kill, Potentially Literally for Some | FIRST!

If you like classic arcade racers like Outrun, Rad Racer, Top Gear, and the like, you'll likely love Slipstream and hate how often I've already used "like" in this opening sentence; however, Slipstream does have an Achilles' heel. While Slipstream feels great to play--the drifting in particular is perfect thanks to how much control you're given--as good as it feels and as fun as it is, the visuals, while technically solid, bombard you with objects on both sides of the road so oppressively that it feels like someone is constantly rubbing broken glass in and around your eyes. How much this will annoy you is anyone's guess, but if you're like me, the visuals will quickly give you a headache and it's a shame that what is otherwise a great game is held back by a seemingly throwaway artistic choice.

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How Returnal Went From an All-Time Great to a Game I’d Only Casually Date | Attack the Backlog

On this episode of Attack the Backlog, I go on a roller coaster of love to like with Returnal, a third-person roguelite shooter that takes a lot inspiration from shmups and successfully translates it to a 3D environment. The gameplay is sublime, but because of the way it's structured, the game doesn't respect your time. What could have been one of my favorite games of all-time is, instead, just a game I liked and, well, that's fine.

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Fluffy Cubed Is Too Fluffy for Its Own Good | FIRST!

Fluffy Cubed is a cute and fluffy little puzzle game and that's both its greatest strength and its greatest weakness. While incredibly pleasant to look at, in large part because of its inviting pastel color palette, the puzzles are too easy and never increase in difficulty. Level 69 was as easy as Level 1 and, while that means it's probably great for young kids, it's not great for anyone over the age of eight. Unless you want some fast and easy achievements, you're better off spending your time and money elsewhere.

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