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This Is How You Ruin Missile Command | The Pixelated Sausage Show

I didn't think it was possible, but somehow they managed to ruin Missile Command. How'd they do it? Well, they...eff that...listen to the show if you want to know how the impossible became possible; however, if you don't care about Missile Command, worry not, there's plenty of other stuff discussed on this week's episode, including more Star Trek (new for me/old for you Star Trek), and a handful of games that range from not that bad to, "I think I'm going to be sick," so strap in and get ready for one hell of a bumpy ride. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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Just Another Soulslike, for Better or Worse | The Pixelated Sausage Show

This week's episode is a bit all over the place, but I think it's good, "all over the place," if that makes any sense. Marc talks about a handful of shows and movies and a butthole load of games, including a game that could benefit from the tightening powers of such aforementioned buttholes. Anyway... (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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A Great Game, but Just an Okay Resident Evil Game: A Resident Evil 7 Review | Attack the Backlog

Hey there everyone! This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about Resident Evil 7, the survival horror series’ jump to first-person and return to scares after going down a more action-centric route that started way back with Resident Evil 3. Did I love it? Did I hate it? Did I poop my pants multiple times while I played it? All these questions and more will be answered with a quick watch or listen, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

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I Swear This Is the Last Time I'll Ever Talk About Star Trek: TNG | The Pixelated Sausage Show

After talking about Star Trek: The Next Generation for the last time (I swear), Marc talks about the 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles show (and why one particular thing about it annoys the hell out of them) before diving deep into a healthy helping of games, including the new Ghostbusters game and one of the worst games they've played all year; get excited, you must, but only if you want. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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I'm Not Crying, It's Just Been Raining...on My Face | The Pixelated Sausage Show

I may not have much to talk about this week, but I sure have a lot to say about a little, so if a game about listening or a game about building tickles your fancy, you're in for a treat this week; however, that's not the whole story. If you're still safe from tickling, there's also a bit more Star Trek: The Next Generation and a handful of great Patreon questions to round out the show. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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Sometimes Third Time's Not the Charm: A Dead Space 3 Review | Attack the Backlog

Hey there everyone! This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about Dead Space 3, the followup to Dead Space 2 and...that’s all I got. A lot has been said about Dead Space 3 since its original release, most of it negative; however, when you go back and look at the reviews, you’ll see a wide range of opinions, from those who thought it was amazing--a handful of reviews were very close to giving it a 10/10--to those who thought it was disappointing on all fronts. I can’t say I was disappointed since I went in with no expectations, but I do think it’s an aggressively average and forgettable game and, in some ways, that's worse than being bad-bad.

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I Love Cereal Eating, But I'm Not So Sure About Serial Cleaning... | The Pixelated Sausage Show

If you thought this week's episode would not include some Star Trek: The Next Generation talk, you'd be wrong...dead wrong--we've still got at least a month of this shit before we start podcasting (deep space) nine to five; however, there's plenty more to satisfy your podcasting appetite if Star Trek isn't your jam. In addition to all the trekking, we've got Serial Cleaners, The Gallery, Moonscars, Despot's Game, and more. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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Am I Dreaming, or Am I Simply NeverAwake? | The Pixelated Sausage Show

This week's episode--which I can say now--sees the return of weekly episodes--see: five seconds ago--with even more Star Trek: The Next Generation--a lot more--as well as a bit more Insecure, a lot (not more) NeverAwake--an actual good game that's actually good--and (how much more can I say more) more. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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Very Pretty and Occasionally Shitty: A Destroy All Humans! Remake Review | Attack the Backlog

Hey there everyone! This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about Destroy All Humans!, the 2020 remake of the game of the same name that originally came out back in 2005. Despite doing a lot right and, in many ways, being what I want from most PS2-era remakes, Destroy All Humans! makes a few things worse and, not just a little worse, but a lot worse, leading to incredibly frustrating moments that made me start hating a game I was overall enjoying, but I'll let the episode do the talking for me; after all, that's what it's there for...

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Well, Heck, I Guess Spiders Aren't Always Bad | The Pixelated Sausage Show

This episode may be shorter than most, but that doesn't mean it's worse than most; quite the opposite, in fact. Marc talks about SpiderHeck, Potion Permit, of course and obviously more Star Trek: The Next Generation, Superstore, Insecure, Rumble in the Bronx, and more. As always, thanks for watching or listening, I hope you enjoy the show, and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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