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You Get a Nut! YOU Get a Nut! EVERYBODY GETS A NUT!!! | The Pixelated Sausage Show

Marc does their best to deliver the goods and remain distraction-free while frames of the non-picture kind start skipping left and right. Thankfully, they're 99.9% sure they figured out the problem and will never have to worry about it again, but for now, for this episode, they (aka, I) apologize for the annoyance. With that out of the way, this episodes sees a shocking discovery about Star Trek: The Next Generation, a scene from Die Hard no one remembers, a game where you play as a dinosaur and do nothing but collect nuts, and so much more. Anyway, that's it and that's all. As always, thank you for watching or listening and I hope you enjoy the show.

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What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse to Golf | The Pixelated Sausage Show

If you like being slowly chased by large balls and games about hunting hedgehogs, you're going to love this episode of The Pixelated Sausage Show. Disclaimer: I don't think there's any actually hunting of hedgehogs in Way of the Hunter, but it worked for the rhyme and that's more important than the truth sometimes. Disclaimer #2: There is never anything more important than the truth, even if lying will net you a lifetime supply of delicious Baby Ruths. Disclaimer #3: Just so we're clear, I'm talking about the candy bar and not babies named Ruth. Anyway, that's it and that's all. As always, thank you for watching or listening and I hope you enjoy the show.

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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Badness Is More Like It | The Pixelated Sausage Show

Marc pisses off MCU fans everywhere this episode by taking a number two on Doctor Strange #2 before gushing over HBO's Watchmen and Regina King respectively. After that, they talk about what they've been playing and how each game disappointed them in one way or another, followed by a few Patreon questions that really got them thinking this week. Anyway, that's it and that's all. As always, thank you for watching or listening and I hope you enjoy the show.

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I Made a Terrible, Terrible Mistake: A Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot (Kind Of) Review | Attack the Backlog

Hey there everyone! This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, an open-world action-adventure game set in the world of Dragon Ball that retells the story of Dragon Ball Z in its entirety. If you want to experience Dragon Ball Z a second (or third/etc) time and don’t want to slog through the original series (or even the truncated Kai version), Kakarot is perfect for that. That said, if you did what I did in preparation, you may find yourself disappointed and wishing you had your own set of dragon balls to wish your stupidity away.

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If a Dream Falls in the Morning Woods... | The Pixelated Sausage Show

On this week's episode, Marc talks about The Witcher Netflix series after rewatching the first season and a bit of the second, a game about cats with nutcracker mouths, another where you kick the shit out of walls to climb them, one that plays itself...literally, another that feels like a mobile game but isn't a mobile game, and one that'll have you repeatedly asking, "What even is this shit?" Anyway, that's it and that's all. As always, thank you for watching or listening and I hope you enjoy the show.

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Words Are Hard | The Pixelated Sausage Show

This episode is a mess, but hopefully y'all are able to find some enjoyment from it and its overall poopiness. With that little disclaimer out of the way, I start things off talking about a bunch of TV shows I didn't click with before getting to the meat and potatoes-aka, the video games--including one of the worst games I've ever played. Anyway, that's it and that's all folks, so thank you for watching or listening and I hope you enjoy the show.

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You Better Enjoy That Frame 'Cause There's Not Much Behind It | The Pixelated Sausage Show

As I continue going through the growing pains of getting back into podcasting all proper like, I found even greater pains in the watching of season three of Star Trek: The Original Series, which somehow managed to be even worse than I was led to believe. I also talked about a handful of games as well, but none were particularly great, with the very best of the bunch being pretty to look at and little else. Anyway, that's it and that's all folks, so thank you for watching or listening and I hope you enjoy the show.

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That Time When I Still Loved Star Trek: The Original Series | The Pixelated Sausage Show

This episode was meant to be a short one as I talk about doing two shorter episodes a week instead of one long episode; however, I still managed to ramble on for a little over 45 minutes. I talked about Star Trek: The Original Series and a handful of not-too-shabby games, including a pair of visual novels. Anyway, that's it and that's all folks, so thank you for watching or listening and I hope you enjoy the show.

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While Not Quite a Zero, It’s Far From a Hero: A Resident Evil 0 Review | Attack the Backlog

Hey there everyone! This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about Resident Evil 0, the prequel to Resident Evil starring Rebecca Chambers--aka, not Claire Redfield or Jill Valentine--and cool dude Billy Coen, with his super sweet tribal tattoo that apparently spells out “Motherlove” making me hate it (and him) even more than I already do. Billy hatred aside, 0 is a disappointing experiment that adds nothing of value to the series and, in some ways, takes a little away. At least it still looks great, eh...

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Is That Three Bananas in Your Pocket, or Just a Really, Really Big One? | The Pixelated Sausage Show

Two weeks in a row doesn't mean much of anything, but it does at least mean I enjoyed the test episode enough to continue with this (hopeful) permanent return to solo podcasting. I talked about more than just games this week with a bit of anime, a sprinkling of TV, and a healthy helping of dumb Patron-submitted questions. Anyway, that's it and that's all folks, so thank you for watching or listening and I hope you enjoy the show.

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