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There Has Never Been a More Accurate Title: A Need for Speed Payback Review | Attack the Backlog

Hello everyone. This here episode of Attack the Backlog is all about Need for Speed Payback, a racing game released in 2017 that feels like it was made in 1917, not directed by Sam Mendes, who surely sendes his regards to moi for the payback endured while playing Payback, also known as, “Yet Another Need for Speed game,” no one remembers because they all started blending together post-Most Wanted and, even among the blended, Payback is far from the one most want to play. But don't just take my word for it, take my video (and audio), too...

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I Can No Longer Say I’ve Never Cried Watching an Eagle Hug a Human | The Pixelated Sausage Show

This is an episode to get excited about; not only is there zero Star Trek talk whatsoever, but Marc talks about what may just be their new game of the year and it's sure to surprise everyone--it sure surprised them. In addition to the usual game and movie/show talk, Marc answers a few Patreon questions, including one about their biggest gaming pet peeves and one about their top 5 animated movies--some choices are obvious, but others may surprise you. Anyway and as always, thank you for watching or listening, I hope you enjoy this here episode, and I hope you have a wonderful wonderful rest of your day. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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One-Button Gameplay Is Sometimes a Nay-Nay | The Pixelated Sausage Show

After spending a fair amount of time talking about what's been going on in their life and what their streaming future looks like, Marc gets back to the usual nonsense with more Deep Space Nine--hopefully (probably) for the last time--a handful of games--including Swordship, RWBY: Arrowfell, and Trash Sailors--and, of course, some Patreon questions to wrap things up. Anyway and as always, thank you for watching or listening, I hope you enjoy this here episode, and I hope you have a wonderful wonderful rest of your day. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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A Far Cry From a Good Time: A Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Review | Attack the Backlog

Hey there everyone! This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, a standalone bite-sized Far Cry that offered a cyberific experience full of 80s vibes and supposedly good times; however, good times were not had and that's not because Blood Dragon is bad, but worse than bad: it's disappointing. What made Blood Dragon disappointing? I guess you'll just have to check out the show to get in the know.

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Soccer Story? More Like Soccer Chore...y! | The Pixelated Sausage Show

This was not an easy episode to record. A certain few of you know the exact reason, but all I'll say is, some family stuff came out of nowhere to sucker punch me in the face harder than Mike Tyson and it's a miracle I got an episode out at all--seems like a week for miracles. All that said, I didn't want to skip this week (and welcomed the distraction), so, hopefully, what you're about to watch (or listen to) is still of a high enough quality. What's talked about on this episode, you ask? Well, Marc starts things off as usual talking about more Deep Space Nine and then, after that, talks about and a handful of new games including Soccer Story, Bravery and Greed, and Ship of Fools. Anyway and as always, thank you for watching or listening, I hope you enjoy this here episode, and I hope you have a wonderful wonderful rest of your day. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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Happy Chicken Because Turkey Is Too Expensive Day Everyone! | The Pixelated Sausage Show

This episode is a bit of a mess, but given that it's Thanksgiving, I think that makes sense. Marc doesn't have much to talk about in terms of what they've been watching, but they've got another healthy helping of games to talk about including one of their favorite games of the year and what might just be the greatest game collection ever made. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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A Short Hike Is Nothing Short of a Shore Delight | Attack the Backlog

I needed this one. After the year I’ve had, more so than anything else, I just needed a nice, chill, relaxing little game; a game I could get lost in for an hour or two; a game I could play and, if only for a moment, forget about all the real world woes and other various things that had me (and have me) feeling so low; a game that didn’t ask a lot from me, but instead gave a lot to me. A Short Hike was that game. A Short Hike is that game. A Short Hike is, after all, exactly what it says it is: a short hike. But it’s also so much more.

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Third Time's the Charm? | The Pixelated Sausage Show

After recording and deleting two full episodes because they hated both for different reasons, Marc's hoping third time's the charm because they weren't about to go for more with another attempt because their favorite number is three and not four. Because of this, the "watching" section is much shorter than usual; however (and maybe to make up for this), more time is spent on what they've been playing, including a game that's Midsommar meets Lovecraft and a game where the meat really is people--technically aliens if you want to be anal a butt it--so if that sounds good to you, you're gonna love listening to this while you poo. Anyway... (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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A Priest, a Ghost, and an Orgy of Bunnies Walk Into a Bar... | The Pixelated Sausage Show

This episode is a bit of a scattered mess, but hopefully an enjoyable scattered mess. Not much is talked about in terms of what Marc's been watching--other than more Star Trek, of course--but a lot is talked about in terms of what they've been playing, including a game about a vampire from hell who ends up on earth doing busy work for a priest, and a game when bunnies bug the shit out of you for snacks every second of every minute of every hour of every day. If that sounds good to you, you're going to love this episode; if not, well, I'm sure you'll find something else to get excited about, so get excited you must (but only if you really want to). (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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Sometimes Your First Time Is Best Left as Your Only Time: A Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance Second Run

Hello everyone. This is Second Runs, the series where I, Marc Kusnierz, revisits games I played and loved in the past to see if I still love them today. Will I learn something new, confirm something old, or quickly realize this was all a mistake as I slowly destroy what little bit of nostalgia I have left in this world. No matter the outcome, I’ve accepted the risks and will continue my journey through the opposite of a backlog until I’ve destroyed my soul all in the pursuit of content creation. This episode is all about Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, a game I adored when it originally came out and was beyond excited to revisit almost 20 years after its original release; however, not everything goes according to plan and, well, just watch the episode and you'll quickly see why.

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