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The Pixelated Sausage Podcast #050: Birthday Papers, Please, Ding-Maannn

This is, probably, the weirdest episode to date, and it's all because of Melissa Dingmon and her stupid birthday! If you don't know who Ms. Ding-MANNNN is, well, get out of your caca-hole and follow her on Twitter...and then follow her again...and then again (she's got too many Twitter accounts). In addition to far too many birthday wishes, I actually talk about a few games: Gone Home and Papers, Please, so, if you can stand my weirdness, there's actually something of value hidden in between the extended moments of insanity. Anyway, if you're feeling extra generous, donate a little money or subscribe to show your support for the site and show(s), it's not free to host the site, the show; to make and record videos, and everything in between. Thanks regardless.

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The Pixelated Sausage Podcast #049: The Vita TV...It's a Thing

Sony announced some crazy shit during their pre-TGS conference--like the PS Vita TV--and, well, I just had to podcast all about it. Listen to the show and then let me know what you think about the PS Vita TV; do you think it could be a big as I do? Anyway, if you're feeling extra generous, donate a little money or subscribe to show your support for the site and show(s), it's not free to host the site, the show; to make and record videos, and everything in between. Thanks regardless.

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Sony announces 'PlayStation Vita TV' for Japan, as well as a new, slimmer version of the Vita handheld system.

Sony announced, in the middle of the night here in the States, during their pre-TGS conference, a few things of note: a new, slimmer Vita and, more interesting and surprising than anything else, the 'PS Vita TV.' The new Vita model is 20% lighter, 15% thinner, sports an LCD screen instead of the original's OLED screen, a gig's worth of onboard storage, a quoted hour of extra battery life, and will be available in six different colors when it releases on October 10th in Japan for 18,980 Yen--which is just about $190 USD. As of right now, there is no word of a release or pricing for other territories, but I would be surprised if this new Vita model never shows its face anywhere other than Japan. But, as nice as it is to see a new Vita model, the out-of-nowhere announcement of the PS Vita TV is much more interesting.

I own an Apple TV; I also own a Roku and, believe it or not, an Ouya too. Despite owning all these different devices, I'm still in the market for something new, something different, because I have yet to own or use a cheap, streaming+ box that does everything I want. The PS Vita TV--which also doesn't currently have any release or pricing information for territories other than Japan--may just be the device I have been waiting for.

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Door Kickers preview: where kicking doors is pretty fun

Do you like tactical shooters like Rainbow Six? You know, those games where you can't just run and gun; where only a few bullets kill you and vice versa; where brains are more important than brawn and teamwork is the key to success. Well, that is exactly what Door Kickers is, except, instead of directly controlling someone in the middle of the action, you take the role of Swat Commander, watching everything from a top-down view as if you were looking at a map, directing your team in every manner--such as telling them where to go, how to breach a door, and where they should look once they're inside.

Door Kickers--a Steam Early Access title currently in Alpha 4--takes a lot of familiar ideas and mechanics, dumps them into a blender and presses liquefy, creating a game that feels both fresh and familiar, mixing every aspect in a way that makes sense. At its core, Door Kickers is a real-time strategy game; however, you can, at any time, pause the action to adjust orders, add new orders, or simply to stop and rethink your overall strategy. The ability to pause the action is a huge part of why the game works because it allows adjustments in the middle of a level, instead of forcing a complete restart if the current strategy isn't working.

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The Pixelated Sausage Podcast #048: Diablo III Doesn't Blow on Consoles

Diablo III is finally out on consoles and that means one thing: CONTROLLER SUPPORT! OMGZ! Ahem, now that I got that out of my system, Diablo III on consoles is pretty damn good and, if you couldn't run it on your computer or were waiting to play it with a controller, you won't be disappointed. Anyway, if you're feeling extra generous, donate a little money or subscribe to show your support for the site and show(s), it's not free to host the site, the show; to make and record videos, and everything in between. Thanks regardless.

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The Pixelated Sausage Podcast #047: Kicking Doors with Androids Named Cactus

You know how I feel about Steam Early Access, right? (I'm pretty damn iffy.) Well, I talk about two Early Access games in this episode--Assault Android Cactus (check out my preview) and Door Kicker--and guess what! I like both of them! When I finish talking about games, I go on a bit of a rant regarding Walter White and why anyone who thinks he's cool and bad ass is insane. Anyway, if you're feeling extra generous, donate a little money or subscribe to show your support for the site and show(s), it's not free to host the site, the show; to make and record videos, and everything in between. Thanks regardless.

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Assault Android Cactus preview: a surprising and surprisingly fun twin-stick shooter (with a really weird name)

An interesting name can grab one's attention, but what someone does once they have said attention means everything. Assault Android Cactus is a game with such a name and, if you take the time to see what's behind the name, you'll find a fun little game; and I promise, Assault Android Cactus won't assault you with rhymes like me and my invisible accomplice.

So, what is Assault Android Cactus? Well, for one, it isn't full of cactuses; in fact, there isn't a single cactus in the entire game, other than a female android who's named, Cactus. What I'm trying to say, is, if you're expecting a game where you assault androids shaped like cactuses, you are going to be extremely disappointed; however, if you have no expectations at all, you'll be surprised to find a great little twin-stick shooter hidden underneath the confusing, prickly title.

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The Pixelated Sausage Podcast #046: Sales, Taxes, and Sales Tax

This episode is just a bunch of bull as I get ready for my last first day of school. I talk about some of the new sales of the week and why Microsoft points weren't such a bad thing! Anyway, if you're feeling extra generous, donate a little money or subscribe to show your support for the site and show(s), it's not free to host the site, the show; to make and record videos, and everything in between. Thanks regardless.

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The Pixelated Sausage Podcast #045: Kicking Badly While Breaking Beats

This episode is especially nonsensical and utterly ridiculous, so, you're welcome. Ok, I basically talk all about KickBeat and how it disappointed me--read my review--and then reiterate my hatred for Walter White. Blah, blah, blah; it's Labor Day and I'm laboring for you, so enjoy or else! Anyway, if you're feeling extra generous, donate a little money or subscribe to show your support for the site and show(s), it's not free to host the site, the show; to make and record videos, and everything in between. Thanks regardless.

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KickBeat review: doesn't quite land every kick

I am a huge fan of games that mix music and gameplay if done well--like Audiosurf and, more recently, Beatbuddy (ignoring its technical faults--read my review)--so I was excited when Zen Studios--best known for their many pinball games--announced KickBeat, a game set to mix music and kung fu. Well, the wait is finally over and, sadly, KickBeat doesn't quite hit all the right notes--sorry, I couldn't help myself.

I played KickBeat on the Vita, but it is also coming out for the PS3 via PSN and is a Cross-Buy title, so you will get both versions of the game when buying one or the other. The gameplay is simple; your character is in the middle of different themed arenas, surrounded by a mass of enemies in one of three different colors that signify enemy type, and you attack enemies in one of four directions--up, down, left, or right--with either the face buttons or the directional pad (or by touching the screen on the Vita) as they attack alongside the beat. It is a great idea, but it doesn't always work out according to plan.

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