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Game Club #2: To the Moon - This is only the beginning

So, Game Club #1--where I played all of A Boy and His Blob while y'all quit before the credits rolled--was kind of a disaster, mostly because the game was kind of a disaster. Well, I am hoping to make Game Club #2 less of a disaster by picking a game that I've heard nothing but great things about and is beatable in only two short sessions. What is this magical game I speak of? Why, it is To the Moon, of course, which you can pick up right now on Steam for only $9.99; or, if you picked up the Humble Indie Bundle X, you already have it.

Do you have the game now? Good. So, this post is really just to make sure y'all know what the next game is, know how much to play, and know when you have to play so and so by, so...

The game is, as you already know, To the Moon, available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

How much do you have to play for part 1? Finish the Introduction and Act 1.

And when do you need to play all that by? Do it all before next Monday, February 17th--which is when I will record the first official episode of Game Club #2 for To the Moon. (If you want to talk about your experience with the game, leave your comment here, email me, or leave a voicemail by calling 312.772.5874.)

That's it and that's all; if you have any questions, comment below or contact me however you like.

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