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PSP #187: Board Gaming with Probe, Dungeons & Dragons, and More

In today's episode, Marc talks about a bunch of random nonsense and people you don't know, an old word game called Probe--if y'all never heard of it, keep it that way--and his first time playing a little tabletop RPG some of y'all may have heard of: Dungeons & Dragons. Anyway, that's it and that's all, folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, donate a little money or subscribe to show your support for the site and show(s); it's not free to host the site, the show, to make and record videos, and everything in between, so, anything would be greatly appreciated, even if you just tell a friend or two about the site and show(s). You can also support the site by shopping at Amazon. Cheers, and have a lovely rest of the day. And if you're looking for solutions to the often horribly lacking internal storage inside board game boxes, Robert Searing creates some great-looking foam inserts y'all should check out (foam > wood).

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PSP #186: Board Gaming with Kombat Kittens, DungeonQuest, and Friendly Fire in Zombicide

In today's episode, Marc talks about the Kickstarted card game, Kombat Kittens, from Secret Potion LLC, the brutal dungeon-exploring DungeonQuest, from Fantasy Flight Games, and, last but certainly not least, the friendly fire-filled Zombicide, from Cool Mini or Not. Anyway, that's it and that's all, folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, donate a little money or subscribe to show your support for the site and show(s); it's not free to host the site, the show, to make and record videos, and everything in between, so, anything would be greatly appreciated, even if you just tell a friend or two about the site and show(s). You can also support the site by shopping at Amazon. Cheers, and have a lovely rest of the day. And if you're looking for solutions to the often horribly lacking internal storage inside board game boxes, Robert Searing creates some great-looking foam inserts y'all should check out (foam > wood).

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Ending Soon: Kickstarter Picks for the Week of July 14, 2014

So, what is this post all about? Well, it should pretty straightforward, but, if there's any confusion, this is where I'll be talking about a handful of Kickstarter projects each week, focusing on a few projects that are about to end and may either need your support in order to get funded or may just be cool and worth checking out if you want to get it on something before it (hopefully) hits retail. Will I be focusing only on projects in need of funding? No, as I just said, I will simply be focusing on projects that interest me, regardless of whether they've only raised $5 or raised ten times that of their original goal; though, a project that only raised $5 over the period of a month probably has some major issues. Anyway, I think it's about time I got to the actual projects, eh.

  • Ending Soon

Sugar & Spice - A Cooking Game

  • Ends Tue, Jul 15 2014 8:59 PM CDT.

Do you like cooking? Probably not--I do, but I have a feeling a lot of board gamers don't, but please don't hate me for assuming--but, even if you don't, Sugar & Spice may be worth checking out. First, and like another pick this week, the art of Sugar & Spice is fantastic, making it a game that will always be enjoyable to look at, but is it also enjoyable to play? Well, I don't know--which is the case with most Kickstarter games and why backing any game, ignoring the potential production issues, is risky--but I like the idea of creating different meals and the game looks like something the whole family can enjoy; though, if you're not into light games, I highly suspect you won't like Sugar & Spice because it looks like a very, very light game (and there's nothing wrong with that).

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PSP #185: Board Gaming with Splendor, Flash Point, and More

In today's episode, Marc finally plays Splendor and thinks it's splendid...or does he?! I guess you'll just have to listen to find out. In addition to Splendor, he talks about not playing Eclipse and, instead, playing Scattergories and Ticket to Ride. Why? Once again, you'll just have to listen to the show. Anyway, that's it and that's all, folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, donate a little money or subscribe to show your support for the site and show(s); it's not free to host the site, the show, to make and record videos, and everything in between, so, anything would be greatly appreciated, even if you just tell a friend or two about the site and show(s). You can also support the site by shopping at Amazon. Cheers, and have a lovely rest of the day. And if you're looking for solutions to the often horribly lacking internal storage inside board game boxes, Robert Searing creates some great-looking foam inserts y'all should check out (foam > wood).

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Next Pixelated Sausage Podcast pushed back one day

In other words, the podcast will go up tomorrow instead of today because I'll be playing something new tonight and want to get that in before I record the show, so, I apologize for the day delay, but the show will be better for it. Anyway, how was your day? That's nice. (I honestly hope y'all have had a nice day.)


Ending Soon: Kickstarter Picks for the Week of July 7, 2014

I have decided to breakup the Kickstarter posts into two: one of recently launched campaigns and one of campaigns about to end, with "Ending Soon" being posted on Mondays and "Recently Launched" being posted on Wednesdays. Why the change? Well, new projects (usually) don't launch on the weekend, so, by posting these on Mondays, I tend to miss out on some campaigns that launch on Mondays and Tuesdays. Anyway, let's get on with the post, eh, since these picks are all real close to ending.

So, what is this post all about? Well, it should pretty straightforward, but, if there's any confusion, this is where I'll be talking about a handful of Kickstarter projects each week, focusing on a few projects that are about to end and may either need your support in order to get funded or may just be cool and worth checking out if you want to get it on something before it (hopefully) hits retail. Will I be focusing only on projects in need of funding? No, as I just said, I will simply be focusing on projects that interest me, regardless of whether they've only raised $5 or raised ten times that of their original goal; though, a project that only raised $5 over the period of a month probably has some major issues. Anyway, I think it's about time I got to the actual projects, eh.

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PSP #184: Board Gaming with Flash Point: Fire Rescue

In today's episode, Marc first apologizes for the delay--he's been dealing with a bit of flooding and a tad of toiletry issues--and then moves onto his one topic of the show (other than the usual tangents): Flash Point: Fire Rescue; if you haven't already, check out the InstaBoardgramming post for Flash Point, it's quite delightful. Anyway, that's it and that's all, folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, donate a little money or subscribe to show your support for the site and show(s); it's not free to host the site, the show, to make and record videos, and everything in between, so, anything would be greatly appreciated, even if you just tell a friend or two about the site and show(s). You can also support the site by shopping at Amazon. Cheers, and have a lovely rest of the day. And if you're looking for solutions to the often horribly lacking internal storage inside board game boxes, Robert Searing creates some great-looking foam inserts y'all should check out (foam > wood).

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Board Game Review: Hanabi | Celebrate the Fourth of July in style

Every year, thousands of Americans spend hundreds of dollars on fireworks for the Fourth of July. This year, I’ll be getting some extra value out of a $10.95 firework investment I made about a year ago. Why am I talking about fireworks on a gaming site? Well, that’s easy, I’m talking about the firework-themed 2013 Spiel des Jahres winner for 'Game of the Year,' Antoine Bauza's Hanabi!

Hanabi is a cooperative card game for 2 - 5 people, in which players work together to create a beautiful fireworks display; this is performed by playing different colors of cards in numerical order, ranging from 1 - 5 for each of the five colors in the game--there are three 1’s, two 2’s, two 3’s, two 4’s, and only one 5 in each of the various colors, and you can work on completing each display simultaneously. Once the fifth card is played, the fireworks in that color are successfully launched. Play a card out of numerical order and the fuse gets closer to exploding--you only get three mistakes before this happens, so be careful. Hopefully this doesn't sound too easy because, the catch is, you won’t be able to see the cards in your hand.

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Kickstarter Picks for the Week of June 30, 2014

What is this post all about? Well, it should pretty straightforward, but, if there's any confusion, this is where I'll be talking about a handful of Kickstarter projects each week, focusing on a few projects that recently launched and a few projects that are about to end. Will I be focusing only on projects in need of funding? No. I will simply be focusing on projects that interest me, regardless of whether they've only raised $5 or raised ten times that of their original goal. Anyway, I think it's about time I got to the actual projects, eh.

  • Recently Launched

District-Z - Fight. Escape. Survive.

  • Ends Wed, Aug 13 2014 8:57 PM CDT.

District-Z is a zombie-killing game--I know the zombie theme is beyond overused, but don't let that scare you away--for 1 - 4 players, where everyone works (semi)cooperatively to get from their starting point to the city's edge. The game, based off the rules, looks to be a nice, simple game that borders on being a filler game; it may, in fact, be a great filler for those wanting something with a bit more depth than the typical filler. Anyway, I like what I've seen and it looks like District-Z will be a good solitaire game in addition to being a cooperative game too, so, check it out and see if it's up your alley, whether you're into zombies or not.

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PSP #183: Luchador! Mexican Wrestling Dice, Scattergories, and the Point of Party Games

In today's episode, Marc talks about the quick, action packed, Luchador! Mexican Wrestling Dice, realizing he's unable to use the words, "die" and "dice" correctly, Scattegories--which he somehow never played until a week ago--and then goes into a little discussion on party games and why we play them, well, at least why he plays them. Anyway, that's it and that's all, folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, donate a little money or subscribe to show your support for the site and show(s); it's not free to host the site, the show, to make and record videos, and everything in between, so, anything would be greatly appreciated, even if you just tell a friend or two about the site and show(s). You can also support the site by shopping at Amazon. Cheers, and have a lovely rest of the day. And if you're looking for solutions to the often horribly lacking internal storage inside board game boxes, Robert Searing creates some great-looking foam inserts y'all should check out (foam > wood).

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