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PSP #269: Star Wars: The Force Awakens vs. The Fifth Element...

First and foremost, whether y'all are celebrating this thing or that, I hope y'all are having a wonderful day and enjoying your (hopeful) time away from work, school, or whatever usually takes up the main portion of your day. Now, with that out of the way, today's special (not-so-special) episode is all about Star Wars: The Force Awakens (and a few elements, too), full of spoilers and all that jazz, so, don't say y'all weren't warned. And thus, may the horse be with you so you won't have to walk across the sky, solo, 'cause your BB gun only has eight bullets left and that's not nearly enough to shoot first and foremost.

Anyway, that's it and that's all, folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, donate a little money or subscribe to show your support for the site and show(s); it's not free to host the site, the show, to make and record videos, and everything in between, so, anything would be greatly appreciated, even if you just tell a friend or two about the site and show(s). Y'all can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's what ya like.

Thee crap, nonsense, and whatnot mentioned (even if just a smidgen) on today's show:

If y'all don't want to be surprised...

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PSP #269: Star Wars: The Force Awakens vs. The Fifth Element

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