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PSP #201: C2E2 / Love: The Tiger / Game of Thrones / And More

In today's episode, Marc talks about C2E2, the Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo--which somehow went from a long ways off to this weekend in the blink of an eye--the beautiful graphic novel, Love: The Tiger, a few games--including Evolve and (more) Neverwinter--and good ol' Game of Thrones. But before any of that, they talk about what it's like "needing" to buy a second all-in-one printer just to get a large flatbed scanner...Yay!

Anyway, that's it and that's all, folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, donate a little money or subscribe to show your support for the site and show(s); it's not free to host the site, the show, to make and record videos, and everything in between, so, anything would be greatly appreciated, even if you just tell a friend or two about the site and show(s). Y'all can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's what ya like.

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Bullet Points: Neverwinter

This is, by no means, an original idea, but sometimes I just want to consume data in an easy-to-digest manner and bullet points go down quite well, so I'm going to start a series about anything and everything called, and it took me a lifetime to think up this incredibly creative, original title, "Bullet Points," for those times when a few bullets seem like the best way to get my point across. Anyway, for today's smattering of points, I want to talk about a game that has managed to grab my soul and make me wish winter would never end...

That's right, the game in Neverwinter and y'all can expect even more embarrassingly bad humor as I finger-vomit all over this digital canvas.

Before I start, I do want to make one thing clear: I am not a big MMO player and, therefore, things that may be new/unfamiliar will surely be old-hat for you, so keep that in mind and don't freak out over something I say because every MMO is someone's first MMO--this is not my first MMO--and 'tis always important to remember that (when it comes to everything, not just MMOs).

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PSP #200: Justified / Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter / Anime / And More

In today's episode, Marc talks about the bittersweet end of Justified--one of the best TV shows ever made, which is clearly an objective opinion--a wonderfully beautiful little indie movie called, Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter--based on an urban legend about a Japanese woman who died trying to find the money hidden in Fargo--and anime in general. Blah, blah, blah, I hope y'all enjoy the show.

Anyway, that's it and that's all, folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, donate a little money or subscribe to show your support for the site and show(s); it's not free to host the site, the show, to make and record videos, and everything in between, so, anything would be greatly appreciated, even if you just tell a friend or two about the site and show(s). Y'all can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's what ya like.

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PSP #199: Neverwinter / Fast & Furious / Spellfall / And More

In today's episode, Marc talks about a handful of games, from a free-to-play MMO to a free-to-play puzzle game to a free (for now) racing game--I just realized the unplanned theme this week (P.S. this show is also free, unless you want to pay donate, of course). What are all these free games I speak of? Well, if you read the title of the podcast you'd--stop being a dick, Marc!--realize that they're Neverwinter, Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast & Furious, and Spellfall. Anyway, it's best if y'all just download the show and give it a listen and, if you enjoy smidgens of singing, there's just a wee bit of good ol' fashioned singing at the end.

Anyway, that's it and that's all, folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, donate a little money or subscribe to show your support for the site and show(s); it's not free to host the site, the show, to make and record videos, and everything in between, so, anything would be greatly appreciated, even if you just tell a friend or two about the site and show(s). Y'all can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's what ya like.

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PSP #198: Talkin' TV with Almost the Last Man on Earth

In today's episode, Marc fools around with a bit of TV, from shows about superheroes to a modern day cowboy, all leading up to a show about the last man on earth who actually isn't the last man on earth so why is the show called The Last Man on Earth--I wouldn't be surprised if the characters in The Last Man on Earth soon find out everyone is still alive and just no longer living on the continent of North America 'cause why the hell not at this point. Anyway, if you're interested in hear some relatively spoiler-free TV-talk, this is the episode for you.

Anyway, that's it and that's all, folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, donate a little money or subscribe to show your support for the site and show(s); it's not free to host the site, the show, to make and record videos, and everything in between, so, anything would be greatly appreciated, even if you just tell a friend or two about the site and show(s). Y'all can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's what ya like.

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The Pixelated Sausage Podcast is Moving to Wednesdays

This will be short and quick, but I felt like Fridays were not the right days for the podcast with the most original title ever conceived, so I have decided to move the official release day of The Pixelated Sausage Podcast to Wednesdays. That said, y'all can look forward to--and I just realized next Wednesday is April 1st, but I promise this is no joke--hearing about Slender: The Arrival, The Last Man on Earth, and What We Do in the Shadows on the upcoming episode, so, if y'all have any questions about any of that jazz, leave a comment below, tweet at me, email me, or swipe right. Have a lovely weekend y'all.



PSP #197: Battlefield Hardlines, Project Spark, and a Broken Computer

In today's episode--one which almost didn't happen--Marc talks about how Battlefield Hardline is weird, how Tinder is even weirder, and how Project Spark still exists--yes, boys and girls, Project Spark is still very much so a thing--not to mention (as I mention) the computer issues that almost lead to no show at all. Given all the technical issues that almost killed the podcast before it even started, this week's episode turned out quite well; though, will y'all agree? Only time will tell. Does this smidgen of rhyming put you under my spell?

Anyway, that's it and that's all, folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, donate a little money or subscribe to show your support for the site and show(s); it's not free to host the site, the show, to make and record videos, and everything in between, so, anything would be greatly appreciated, even if you just tell a friend or two about the site and show(s). Y'all can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's what ya like.

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PSP #196: The Escapists Review

In today's episode--the first in what seems like forever ('cause it's been over six months!)--Marc returns with a review of The Escapists--a game all about breaking out of prison(s). Is The Escapists too much like prison, or is it so good it'll make you want to be imprisoned just so you can try your various plans in the real world? The only way to know for sure is by listening to this here brand new episode of The Pixelated Sasuage Podcast! (Even if I say this is the greatest game ever made, please don't do anything that leads to you ending up in prison; I can guarantee this game is nothing like a real prison, not that I know from experience...)

Anyway, that's it and that's all, folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, donate a little money or subscribe to show your support for the site and show(s); it's not free to host the site, the show, to make and record videos, and everything in between, so, anything would be greatly appreciated, even if you just tell a friend or two about the site and show(s). Y'all can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's what ya like.

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PSP #195: Board Gaming with Sushi Go!, Ca$h 'n Guns, and More

In today's episode, Marc talks about the fast-paced card drafting game, Sushi Go!, the foam gun-pointing game, Ca$h 'n Guns, and more. And, if y'all listen to the whole episode, y'all will be "treated" with some extra special content at the end-end. Anyway, that's it and that's all, folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, donate a little money or subscribe to show your support for the site and show(s); it's not free to host the site, the show, to make and record videos, and everything in between, so, anything would be greatly appreciated, even if you just tell a friend or two about the site and show(s). You can also support the site by shopping at Amazon. Cheers, and have a lovely rest of the day. And if you're looking for solutions to the often horribly lacking internal storage inside board game boxes, Robert Searing creates some great-looking foam inserts y'all should check out (foam > wood).

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PSP #194b: Taking a Break, Having Coffee and Cake

In today's episode, Marc decides to take a much needed break, so, enjoy it while it lasts because next week will be a return of the usual Marc-nonsense y'all have come to expect. Anyway, that's it and that's all, folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, donate a little money or subscribe to show your support for the site and show(s); it's not free to host the site, the show, to make and record videos, and everything in between, so, anything would be greatly appreciated, even if you just tell a friend or two about the site and show(s). You can also support the site by shopping at Amazon. Cheers, and have a lovely rest of the day. And if you're looking for solutions to the often horribly lacking internal storage inside board game boxes, Robert Searing creates some great-looking foam inserts y'all should check out (foam > wood).

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