XBLA size limit increased for Capcom

"Given the sizeable content in Bionic Commando Rearmed and Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, Microsoft allowed Capcom to work with a larger file size limit for both of those titles in order to provide gamers with the game experience that Capcom desired, such as full hi-res textures (on Bionic Commando Rearmed) or 1080p support (for SSFIIT)," said the Capcom rep. "The Xbox Live Arcade versions of both titles will have complete feature and graphical parity with the iterations that will be available on other platforms. There were never any issues with 1942 or Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3, as those titles were designed from the ground up to meet [Microsoft's] standards."
Well it seems that what everyone expected has now become official. Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix and more importantly Bionic Commando Rearmed will not be subject to the 150MB limit that is currently enforced my Microsoft. I am not surprised by this news, but I am glad to finally hear the official words spoken. Now people won't be able to question whether or not the 360 version will be up to par with the PS3/PC versions.
Though this news is good news...I really want to hear Microsoft come out and officially raise the limit for all developers. Then we will be able to see more games that are as big (not is size, but in content) as a game like Rearmed. If they choose to keep the normal limit at 150MB and just make an exception here and there...we may see a surge in the downloadable games for PSN and a decrease in XBLA games. Plus with more room to work with, the more variety we can get. Also, Microsoft is selling Xbox Originals on Live and those can take up to 6GB of space! I think they can raise the limit for arcade games, don't you?
Reader Comments (2)
This is a win for Xbox 360 owners everywhere. Thank You MS
Well it's a partial win...If the size cap isn't increased for all developers then this will only be a delay before the PSN downloadable games take over XBLA.