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Video Review: Slash: Romance Without Boundaries

Slash: Romance Without Boundaries is a new, card-based party where everyone tries to find the best pairing between a character played by the matchmaker and a character in one's hand; ideally, this pairing would be the one true pairing to rule them all--like Ron Swanson and Ron Burgundy (because mustaches--an unbeatable argument). Anyway, if I keep talking here, you'll have no reason to listen to me talk in the actual video so, without further ado, check out my video review of Slash: Romance Without Boundaries.

P.S. I apologize for the audio issues and inconsistencies; I'm used to recording podcasts and video game footage, so I'm still ironing out all the kinks when it comes to recording real world footage.

*A copy of Slash: Romance Without Boundaries was provided by Games by Play Date for review.

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