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Video Review: Get Lucky, the Kill Doctor Lucky Card Game

Get Lucky, the Kill Doctor Lucky Card Game, is a new game all about killing Doctor Lucky, well, trying to kill Doctor Lucky, at least. So, will you be the lucky one if you pick up a copy of Get Lucky or will you...will you...I've got nothing; just watch the review and ignore my inability to be clever. Also, if all this talk of Doctor Lucky sounds familiar, that's because this is the card game adaptation of the Kill Doctor Lucky board game--which, based on the name, should be pretty obvious and I just wasted all of y'alls time by mentioning it.

P.S. I am continuing to apologize for the audio issues and inconsistencies; I'm used to recording podcasts and video game footage, so I'm still ironing out all the kinks when it comes to recording real world footage.

*A copy of Get Lucky was provided by Cheapass Games for review.

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