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Too Human Demo is Live

For those of you who may not know, the Too Human demo is now live and almost finished for me. The demo comes in at just under 1.1GB and other than that, I'm just happy that it is finally here.

*On a side-note*

Apparently I think this game is a masterpiece just because I haven't been a douche bag saying that the game sucks without ever playing it. I may end up disliking the game after trying the demo, but at least I judge a game myself, instead of claiming someone else's opinion as my own. This is completely off topic, but I hate it when people judge games without ever playing them. If you hear a game sucks, don't say that is sucks. Say that you heard that it sucks. Don't act like you've played it and that your opinion has any merit when it obviously means nothing. I sort of went off on a tangent there, but the download has finished to expect my preview soon.


Reader Comments (1)

I agree with your statement there, "don't judge a game until you played it."

I may be guilty of being a bit of a hypocrite in some people's eyes though, as I said that Too Human did not look good. I don't recall saying it sucked, but I was not impressed by any trailers. I felt the same way for Haze, but I did try the demo and then I judged the game based on that.

Even with games that have gotten low scores, I'll download their demos and try it out for myself. Why not? Not all reviewers have the same interests as me, maybe I'll like it. It's much better to judge a game by playing a demo than to judge a game without playing anything of it, at least in my opinion.

July 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrukaoru

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