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To Quote the Bulletproof Monk, Reverie Knights Tactics Likes to Do A Lot of Talking | FIRST!

Reverie Knights Tactics does one of the things I hate most--it overloads you with story and characters right at the start, forcing you to take in the story before you even know if you like the actual game. I guess, in a way, this is a tactic of trying to get someone invested in a story so, in case they don't care for the gameplay, they'll still stick around because of the story. Maybe this works for some, but it's never worked for me. Games are games first and foremost and no story will ever make up for bad gameplay. Now, I'm not saying the gameplay of Reverie Knights Tactics is bad--it's not great, just kind of meh--but when I spend an hour and a half with a game and only play it for 10 minutes, if that, we've got ourselves a problem. Reverie Knights Tactics might be a good game, but it makes a terrible first impression and fails to give the player much reason to keep playing because of it.

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To Quote the Bulletproof Monk, Reverie Knights Tactics Likes to Do A Lot of Talking | FIRST!

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