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Thomas Was Alone until watching this trailer

Because watching this trailer makes me want to offer my company, and hopefully does the same for you. Thomas Was Alone: "a minimalist game about friendship and jumping." Minimalist art, if done well, is one of my loves and this announcement trailer shows off the visuals in such a way that makes me want to play this here little game today. The trailer has also apparently filled me with enough glee to start rhyming and I always enjoy a good rhyme. In addition to lovely visuals and an interesting style of play, the music featured is a beautiful original piece by David Housden, who's supplying all of the game's music. Anyway, Thomas Was Alone has a planned release of April 2012 for PC and Mac—let the impatient waiting begin. Be sure to follow the game's mastermind, Mike Bithell, on Twitter for all the updates you'll ever need.

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