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The Upcoming Week: Full of Sausage


Here is just a quick summary of what to expect this upcoming week…


  • Frontlines: Fuel of War (360)
  •  Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (360)
  •  Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune (PS3)
  •  Army of Two (360)
  •  Brain Challenge (360)




…I am planning to do a Top 10 list for all the consoles I have ever owned, all the way back to the NES (I can’t remember my Atari 2600 that well…I’m a young boy *cough* I mean man…). So I am not sure how I will work this out, whether I will post one a day or one a week. I have my lists written up already so I’ll just wait and see…

Here are the platforms I’ll be working with…

NES, Sega Genesis, PC, Playstation 1, Sega Dreamcast, Playstation 2, Nintendo Gamecube, Xbox and Portables (no reason to break all systems up imo). I may also do a “360 so far” list as well.


Other than that I plan to hopefully get a preview on Dark Sector if I can find the game to rent. Possibly a review of Condemned 2: Bloodshot if I find the time. Lastly I will start work on character concepts for the Distributed Failure poster…starting first with Rob “Big Daddy” Wood!

So stay tuned for many updates to the Sausage this week and remember to check out the Distributed Failure podcast which is recorded every Wednesday at 6pm CST and posted around 10pm. So give it listen: Love it, Hold it, Squeeze it, Want it, Have it, and Share it will everyone you know. Our Failure is your sweet, sweet listening pleasure!

And always remember “The cake is a lie, but the sausage isn’t”


Reader Comments (2)

All those reviews in one week? Good grief, are you eating and sleeping in that time? :|

Did you draw the picture on the bottom? It rocks~!

March 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrukaoru

lol...Well the Frontlines review is already written and hopefully I can get the others done as well, but who knows...I'll be finishing Uncharted today and yes I am eating and sleeping!!!

...yes I drew the Mega Phil picture. All the art of Pixelated Sausage shall be of my own mighty hand!

March 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKush

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