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The Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle, available now

A brand new Humble Bundle is available and its headliner is one of the most interesting games I've played this year: Frozen Synapse. Frozen Synapse is an awesome turn-based strategy game—especially the multiplayer—and the bundle even includes the wonderful soundtrack! The Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle (creative name, eh) is available until October 12th at 6:00PM CST, a.k.a., two weeks from right now. Why do you want to grab this bundle? If you don't know, the money goes to charity, the developers, and those involved in putting the bundle together; though, you can choose how much of your donation goes where and even give it all to charity if you wish.

If you choose to donate more than the average, you can also grab a copy of the Humble Frozenbyte Bundle, which includes Trine, Shadowgrounds, Shadowgrounds: Survivor, the Jack Claw prototype, and a Splot preorder. This is a win-win situation and there's no reason to avoid this bundle, unless you already own every single game included. But even if that is the case, you can donate and gift the bundle to a friend, making it a win-win-win situation! It's better to get the details from the actual source, so stop reading this right now and check out the latest Humble Bundle now.

The Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle

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