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The Episode Where I Get on Every Visual Novel Fan's Bad Side: A Vengeful Heart Preview | FIRST!

I apologize in advance to all visual novel fans for what you're about to endure. Vengeful Heart is maybe the worst visual novel I've ever "played." It is everything I hate about visual novels. There are no choices to be made, no mini-games to be played, and nothing to do but read, read, and read some more. What makes it even worse is that the accompanying visuals are so worthless that not even those add anything to the story, leading to the only question I had during my entire time with Vengeful Heart: Why is this a video game? Unlike most visual novels I've played (and usually not enjoyed), Vengeful Heart doesn't have an answer. Now, I know visual novel fans will disagree and that's fine, but I will never understand how someone could prefer consuming a solely written story by reading it on a TV instead of a tablet or similar device, but such is life, eh. 

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The Episode Where I Get on Every Visual Novel Fan's Bad Side: A Vengeful Heart Preview | FIRST!

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