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Smash The Block Crowdfunding Campaign

You may or may not remember a little game called Thomas Was Alone that used crowdfunding to get through the final stages of development; well, that game used the funds to finish a fantastic game now available to all who have a soul. Why am I talking about crowdfunding and a game now released? It's because a new game has landed on the block in need of your help to smash through those final months of development without the developers starving to death and/or losing their minds. The game is Smash The Block and the developer is Spilt Milk Studios.

Spilt Milk Studios should sound familiar as the developer behind one of my favorite iOS games of all time: Hard Lines. As Hard Lines was a twist on classic Snake, Smash The Block is a twist on classic Breakout. The game is looking good and as someone who's seen it progress over the course of many months, I can say it's only gotten better and better as time has passed. But I can only say so much and what I say is nowhere near as important as what's said on the actual crowdfunding campaign's page, so let me provide some links and here's to supporting the little guys and gals who keep this industry interesting. Be aware that all money raised will still go to the developers, even if the goal isn't met.

Spilt Milk Studios [Official Site]

Smash The Block Crowdfunding Campaign [Indiegogo]

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