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Slipstream Has Looks That Could Kill, Potentially Literally for Some | FIRST!

If you like classic arcade racers like Outrun, Rad Racer, Top Gear, and the like, you'll likely love Slipstream and hate how often I've already used "like" in this opening sentence; however, Slipstream does have an Achilles' heel. While Slipstream feels great to play--the drifting in particular is perfect thanks to how much control you're given--as good as it feels and as fun as it is, the visuals, while technically solid, bombard you with objects on both sides of the road so oppressively that it feels like someone is constantly rubbing broken glass in and around your eyes. How much this will annoy you is anyone's guess, but if you're like me, the visuals will quickly give you a headache and it's a shame that what is otherwise a great game is held back by a seemingly throwaway artistic choice.

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Slipstream Has Looks That Could Kill, Potentially Literally for Some | FIRST!

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